
There is a good deal of evidence that Freud and Frankl are both right.

I had the misfortune of doing my cross-country trip to fetch my things the same week that Sturgis happened. I didn't know about it until I tried to find a hotel room within 300 miles of the event. I was driving this massive moving truck trying not to fall asleep at the wheel with 2 or 3 bikers per lane surrounding

I also had a paint-chipping job, on a steel crab boat. It was more of a rust-smashing job. Fortunately they did not use red lead any more, although if you were tricky you could get white lead paste from Canada and mix it with your bottom paint. Even 70 feet up in the air with a face full of rust and my hand going

Unless it's based on a comic by R Crumb, I'll pass.

Thanks to the miracle of Youtube, I just revisited two old favorite albums from my youth: Negative Approach and The Morlocks Emerge. Both still good. I'm still looking for Psychic TV's Live in Heaven in its entirety.

Closest I ever got was sleeping on the sidewalk across the street for two weeks.

That's because the first date is artificial, and there's no conceivable way you can be yourself on it. You are straining yourself and your date through the filter of what might be, and since you presumably don't know each other that well, any information you give or receive can't be accurately processed. I am a bit

Kim Gordon gets to do the next mix, right?

That's the one, and if Janet's siblings can't handle it, she needs new siblings.

Can you explain that to a Lehmann?

I thought he just grabbed the paper clip out of it.

Mine is the visit from David Bowie during the songwriting session.
"Lady, who the hell do you think you are?"

There's never been a show like this. It's ugly and deep and always gives more than expected. The two mains get more and more complex even though there's no reason to. They are a mean-spirited dick and a childish jackass after all; who cares if Berry is a deeply scarred, frustrated former romantic, or that behind

Yeah I don't get it either. Probably half the French people I've known have been surly.

The bird shit thing is meant to show a people's optimism. To say the French think bird shit is good luck is just saying that they see the bright side of everything.

That drummer keeps his balls on the outside of his trousers.

I just imagined this episode with 7/Ace for a moment. Now all I want to know is, where does the dynamite come in?

I liked that too, but fear the worst now that he's named the monster. There's no way Moffett doesn't bring them back now, and diminishing returns on awesomeness have been a common problem with his tenure.

If there's one thing that scene teaches us, it's that the Doctor can get away with any silliness as long as he's properly embarrassed. Just imaging that scene with Matt Smith.