
Reverse the polarity!

Don't bring me down!
(no, no, no, no, no)
Oo woo hoo!

You look the other way for the bad science, sure, but what do you do about the sloppy magic?

I can tell you that my constant frustration with the last two seasons has been pretty much absent so far, and even when I'm calling bullshit it's worth just watching Capaldi at work. Not that I'm completely on board with the Heaven Lady plot, but she's not our problem at the moment anyway. Let's enjoy it while it

I wonder how long he's been waiting for the chance to say that.

Not that it's even in the same universe as a movie like this, but I was lucky enough to know absolutely nothing about the Lost Boys the first time I saw it. It doesn't go nearly as long before the vampire reveal though.

Gibby Haynes. Also Arnaldo Antunes

Also, Canada is not a 2-party system, which is kind of a big deal.

I used to think of that song every time someone passed me on the right.

If by finally you mean 25 years later, well we take what we can get now.

Funny how easy it is to enjoy a superhero show even when it's not good. For me the first things that came to mind were Gotham and The Cape. On a non-superhero note, there is David Bellamy's Wild Britain. I fell in love with that show the moment he released the fucking dove.

What's your favorite terrible show?

Just remember to leave the emergency doors unlocked this time. Shirtwaists are flammable.

Ur just mad cuz u found out China owns all the USA's national parkz

Just like the Beatle Barkers! Everything old is new again.

Not to mention all the crashes caused by the sudden disappearance of drivers and pilots.

If somebody needs to drop six syllables to get laid, they'd better have a medical condition.

I wonder if the gammon part refers to English ham.

Ah, I see you are a graduate of the Klaus Nomi School of Economics.

Dude, it's a microphone, not a coke straw.