
Wow, I once found $40 in a used paperback of Don Quixote, but yours is better.

I think the show that most informed my taste as a teenager was USA's Night Flight.

I think it has some of the smartest jokes of any kid's show.

I think that showed right before Sha Na Na. I watched it but I don't remember it.

Inger Nilsson was, is, and will be the best Pippi Longstocking ever.

Having watched all of it with my kid, I think I would call that show the best cartoon I've ever seen, by multiple standards and criteria.

I used to watch reruns of that more or less concurrently with the SCTV-alumn-dominated seasons of SNL. For me it was like getting to see SNL without begging to stay up late.

One of those shows I'd come to school talking about and the other kids had never heard of it. Come on, it's on the same channel as Benny Hill! I was sad when that guy died.

That was my first season. I was 8 when my Mom showed me Image of the Fendahl.

I know I watched that all the time, but I remember absolutely nothing about it.

Ah yes, Doobie or not Doobie.

I remember chafing under hours of hated television that it never occurred to me not to watch. If I could dump a portion of my memory, it would be full of Scooby Doo, Smurfs, Brady Bunch, movie crossover cartoons.

Off the top of my head I'll say
Event Horizon
Playing For Time
Xiu Xiu the Sent-down Girl
Requiem for a Dream
(Is there a good time to watch RFAD?)
The Plague Dogs

Probably Sweeny Todd.

I was crushed when they cancelled Enos. That guy was so nice.

I watched it, but I didn't like it.

I also loved Manimal, though all my memories of it are ludicrously shabby.

Maybe it was because I had to get up super early to see it, and often overslept, but I remember thinking Battle of the Planets was the ultimate television experience, and any day I managed to watch it was a good day. This was before I discovered Doctor Who was on PBS.


Hello, Department of Redundancy Department, there's fecal excrement in my rice pilaf. I was so surprised I spilled my chai tea all over the Cinese quisine.