
The term can be apt in two ways, as a small thing can be hidden inside an actual bolt-hole if the pilot hole is longer than the lag bolt.

Well we discovered Weardale Brewery in County Durham, so no harm done. I will say that Newcastle is one of maybe two ales I knew from the US that I still drink in the UK. I don't even bother drinking now when I go back home for visits. Not until they start carrying Doombar on tap.

Problem is, swallowing soap can give you diarhea if you haven't already been doing it for years.

Well you can't run a paper forever on just paedophile stories.

That's Apple all over. You think you bought a computer, but unless you're an accomplished programmer, you're really only borrowing it at full price.

We tried to stop for dinner in Newcastle the other day and unfortunately took the exit called Metro Centre, which turned out to be a massive multimall and not the middle of the city. By the time we got out we had lost the will to see actual Newcastle.

They do have a rinse cycle, I'm happy to say. As for rinsing by hand, there seems to be a bit of an age divide between those who do and those who don't. And no, it's not good, but I would hazard a guess that saving a pint of water by not rinsing is another thing that seemed like a good idea during WWII and just

Just be glad there will probably never be an adaptation of Weaveworld.

Shit I missed another one. Whoever is reviewing these comments is a quick draw with the delete button.

In my day we'd just roll d20 for inches of Wandering Cock. Sometimes you get lucky…

He's probably spent his whole tenure waiting for his bosses to realize what he already knew, which is that his show had a pretty small target audience.

Torchwood was a show that strove to be fun even when it wasn't good, and then rewarded us with a season that was actually pretty solid. Miracle Day did a lot of things wrong, but the least forgivable thing was that it wasn't fun. The flaming bag of shit on my front step was pretty childish though. Grow up,

Miracle Day was like a hundred paper cuts with lemon juice. I kept thinking, why does Torchwood hate me so much? I just hope Torchwood is done hating me. I'm pretty sure it was Torchwood who slashed my tires that time.

Psychic TV's Godstar has a great sound and incredibly lazy lyrics.

At first I thought the poster was something Sean put together as a joke. I would prefer it with Charlie Sheen in the picture though.

When you said board game I was thinking 1982 or so when I had one. Bored game indeed.

It continues to blow my mind that this was the guy from Rosalie Goes Shopping and the BBQ Movie.

They really make good on that line by casting Hawkes.

I hear St Nicholas punched Aurius in the face at Nicea.

It may have been just one more way this episode tries to make Clara into a real person, by acknowledging that real people have desires.