
Sometimes I have that thought about Neil Gaiman as well, though it's never disrespectful. Just a bit of the alien/magical when it comes to women.

I don't think they've left any room for the possibility, unless she's been hiding in a separate universe.

Disagree about Green Wing. I found it mean-spirited and disappointing given all the good talent they had on board. Just more BBC insult-comedy unworthy of the cast. I only made it through a couple of episodes though, so maybe it got better.

Somebody tell this guy to drop all the other stuff and just do Doc Savage. Unless he sucks, of course. I never heard of him buy I would dearly love to see more Doc Savage on the screen. I don't remember anything at all about Remo Williams.

Such an economical gimmick.

I didn't notice that game until 10 years later and it was still fun, although the idea of inventing the laser pistol before the laser rifle fucks with my head.

I'd like to experience nostalgia again for the first time.

I'm holding out for the C-list crossover with DC. Who will play Infectious Lass?

Two different girlfriends forced me to watch this movie with them. I was confused both times. Maybe the lack of a clear message was the point, and he was trying to tell a story with heavy moral implications without allowing it to be a moral tale. I guess I don't really care. I kind thought Almodovar was much

I would tell the MIL that there are a number of possible explanations, and that she has lost the right to ask by invading their privacy. Then I would ask her not to come over for a few months.

If it's not a safe place to be you, it's not family.

In my day they would just harrass you mercilessly until you had nothing left to live for, then commit you for being suicidal.

I have a toxic MIL who my partner has avoided since age 15, and whom our child has never met. People who don't know her find this kind of shocking (she's your mother!) and like to say "someday you need to patch things up with her," but know what, you don't. If she gets better, she can demonstrate her better wisdom

I wish I had grounds to disagree, but DW has been a mess lately.

That shit is not metal enough to deserve an umlaut. They probably had their fucking umlaut revoked.

Not as bad as I was expecting

It's sort of like the feeling when you're good enough at something that you can judge it for what is it, and people say "your sushi is amazing," but you know it was just ok this time. The difference is that most of us are not as good at judging ourselves as we think we are.

I fucking hate that attitude the way I hate The Alchemist and I hate The Secret and I hate people who say the universe doesn't give anyone more than they can handle. Such an insult to the multitudes given more than they can handle on a daily basis.

It can be a pretty grey line, as the funk that results from legitimate frustrations makes it exponentially harder to deal with them. As an at-home parent of a school-age kid (so basically unemployed) I have to keep reminding myself that I didn't feel useless when I had a job which actually used my abilities.

Yeah man up, thanks. That's what I do the other 364 days of the year.