
What hooked me was the poker game, with everyone pulling cards out of everywhere. "It's ok boys; he cheated me fair and square."

I thought it was used in the sense of "breaking into" a difficult profession.

If you don't grade on a curve, how do you explain even watching?

It's hard to imagine the Dome's big plan as anything but CANCELLED.

Around a minute fifty. It's not Shogun Assassin-level or anything; just a quick sai block over the shoulder.

Didn't notice the Position 7 parry the first time. You don't see those very often, as they are hard to make convincing.

Damn that's some list, good bad and ugly. I probably saw at least half the movies he made in the 80's.

Replace "blame" with "thank" and you've got it.

For me it's the screaming.

It's not good, but it's fun. Definitely an upswing for the show.

Stephen Mangan's Gently is quite good.

Also Lunachicks, This Is Serious.

Practice makes perfect.

Already been done by The Tick animated show.

Great, now there's fifty more shades of shut the fuck up.

I believe Kill Bill 2 is actually all the Kill Bill we will ever need.

Yeah it's a major problem, which Palin liked to pretend was nonexistent. She even fired one of her staff for asking for federal help for dealing with violence against women behind her back. My favorite was making rape victims pay for the rape kits used to investigate crimes committed against them (that one was

Punch everyone, you can't get it wrong.

It always raises my hackles to see her posing with girls, and remember how rape-friendly her governance was in Alaska.

How many bricks can a brick-breaker break when a brick-breaker breaks bricks?