
I'm the opposite in that I have an iron stomach and can watch a doctor cut me open and sew me up, but seeing murders onscreen nowadays (especially of women) makes me increasingly unhappy. It mainly has to do with having a couple of friends who were murdered. Fight scenes don't bother me at all though.

More Roz Chast!

Don't blink, Jack.

This show sounds like a zombie flick without the zombies. Nothing about it holds up under the slightest scrutiny, and yet someone will always insist on explaining stuff. Just say it was a bad hamburger that started the whole thing and get on to the slaying.


Not everyone hates Larry. I think the character is well suited to interact with Piper. They are both whiny and self-centered,and they are both kind of funny, and they understand each other. I don't think his bad qualities are a bad thing for the show.

I was going to link to "A Commercial" by Dead Kennedys, but it came with a commercial almost as long as the track itself, and I got depressed.

I am constantly surprised at how few people seem to get that. Sometimes it seems like my daily harrassment stopped the minute the 80's ended, though my age might have had some part in it too.

I'm glad mine wasn't one of the lucky classes that watched that happen.

I think he was just daring them to prosecute him for lying, knowing that it would have been a much uglier affair than any polititian wanted to get into. After all, the guy was a movie star.

It's especially brazen because individual states had already tried that and the consequences were well-known even then. The streets of my home town were already full of the turned-out mentally ill when Reagan was elected, and yet somehow people still swallowed his reasoning for escalating the problem.

When I worked as a rug weaver I was paired up for a few months with a guy from El Salvador who said back home this song was played as a romantic slow dance number at parties. They neither knew nor cared what the words were because they liked the overall mood, and of course a longer song means more hug time. He told

It feels so good that it must be wrong.

"Thank you for smoking dick."

I liked the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon joke.

Mine was either KISS/WASP or Lionel Richie/Pointer Sisters. Why the Pointer Sisters should have been a warmup act for Lionel Richie was and is a mystery to me. Fuckin guy should have been carrying their laundry for the privilege of sharing oxygen with them.

The ones around here are pretty small. I think I'd have to go to Coventry to see anything on the scale of Wal-Mart. Even then they couldn't match it for the feelings of despair it inspires.

I was actually wondering what the fuck was up with Dawes. All I know is my Dad listens to them.

Book six is about the time I overcame my obsessive need to finish a series once I'm invested. Which is to say I pitched it into the fireplace.

I guess Gaiman's reading of the recorded book must have been influenced by the casting.