I hope someone gets his whole story before he dies, or he writes it all down. Seems like he could have had his own book before he even hit college.
I hope someone gets his whole story before he dies, or he writes it all down. Seems like he could have had his own book before he even hit college.
I loved this guy when I was a kid, and then it seemed like he sort of disappeared. I was surprised to look him up on imdb and find he'd been very busy, but I never saw anything of him after The Stuff.
She is quite good too. I've read maybe eight books by her and only one was a stinker, which in my experience is an excellent track record.
Don't know what their exact definition of signal intrusion is, but we had a TV pirate in WV calling himself Doctor Frankenstein who would cut into PBS once in a while with some bullshit ranting. The guy lived three three doors down from us when I was a kid, with his Mom, naturally. I don't think he had much range,…
Can't say I blame you because I was searching for that lady's name as I wrote the post and I can't find any reference to it online, although I remember reading an article about it a year or so ago, either in Anchorage or Fairbanks. I agree it sounds like a scary campfire story for anthropologists. Now it's going to…
That is a risky business. Reminds me of this Australian lady who wrote a book on the Yup'ik language based on another book. When she finally showed up in Sitka to give an expert talk to a room full of native Yup'ik speakers, it turned out she was speaking no language at all.
Thought someone might say that.
I guess that's it. I think it's the only BBC streaming I can do without a license, since I don't have a TV. Until a few months ago though, they had some good shows on it, and a range of new episodes for better or worse. Maybe 4 has just narrowed its programming.
I did not enjoy that.
I think at the time Tim Burton fans complained that it wasn't Tim Burton enough. I felt it was about as Tim Burton as I was willing to tolerate, and it remains my favorite movie by him.
Funny how Hulu has this while BBC iplayer is almost exclusively crap.
Bear spray only really works if they breathe it in, so although it's quite strong for a pepper spray its chief virtue is its aerosol action. The eye-irritant quality is a plus, but can be negated by turning away like the hired goon did with Allison. I hear the bears of the Kenai Peninsula are learning to do that too.
There used to be a BBS game with that name in the early 90's, but it wasn't as good as this sounds.
Too little, too late.
The Neverland Ranch joke wasn't even funny until the crab-thing laughed. Then it became hilarious.
Sounds similar to what happened to the physicists who appeared as talking heads in What The Bleep Do We Know. Shit, now I'm thinking about it. Hate.
I'm using an outdated version of Ubuntu and I'm still much less frustrated than you are.
XP was the last OS my old games would still play on. So long UFO Defence.
I can't believe he didn't manage to work the word XPocalypse into that newswire.
That Towering Inferno sketch was pretty damn funny. WVa had an excellent PBS channel when I was a kid, which accounts for most of my comedy leanings to this day.