
Worth it for Bruce Campbell.

I hope they have plenty of lightning rods there.

I thought it was World Book Day, so I sent her dressed as Queen Aethelflaeda. So embarrassing.

Is it Wes Anderson week or something? And do they have that in the UK? Because if so I've sent my kid to school unprepared again.

Time for breakfast!

One of my favorite jokes from Darkplace is when Garth brags about having written more books than he's read.

Now who's gonna save rock n' roll from the Lou Reeds of this world?

I wonder if that's what a Garthling looks like.

I think you mean "on the wane," much as I would like to see a private investigation firm operating from the back of a hay cart.

Both fat acceptance and fat shaming are oversimplifications. I can match your average fat person meal for meal, and it would take months of shocking indolence for me to top 200 pounds. I know people who practically have to starve themselves to achieve the kind of weight I take for granted, and then they catch every

Yeah I was going to watch anyway, but I still think the previews are a bit too informative.

I like it that you can get a bottle of mango lassi at some of the bigger grocery stores; my attempts to recreate it have failed thus far. I just made popsicles out of it, which would have blown my mind this time last year.

Since lyrics are often a weak link in psychedelic music, I have become prone to suspicion when the mixing makes them difficult to make out. Because I'm stupid.

They need to remix that so you can hear the words, or we will have to assume the words are stupid.

I wonder if Brazil even knows who they are. They may have just decided there was more money to be made abroad. Virginia Rodrigues got a lot of attention in the States and I don't know anyone in Brazil who's not from Bahia who ever heard of her. Kind of an interesting tour calendar though. They must be from Goias

I was thinking of others, but now that you mention it, I do remember feeling at the time JL was being made to look a bit of a fake. It's been a long time though.

No, the closest characters were allowed some depth, and I enjoyed most of what passed between those two. The worst example for me was the revolutionary boyfriend.

First thing I thought was, he wouldn't look out of place in a episode of Vikings.

I actually watched and enjoyed Hello Larry as a kid, but I'm pretty sure it was terrible. I vaguely remember having watched Boomer also. All I can remember is… terrier? And a boy.

The thing I hate about Forrest Gump is the way they try to make him look better and wiser by constantly giving him encounters with single-facet jackasses.