
I'm confused. Are they showing spoilers for the whole season? I just saw my favorite character die, and now I kind of don't feel like watching.

Dude looks like he's sneaking off to go fly fishing.

For me the worst of classic DW is just really boring and inconsistent, but doesn't leave me wanting to punch anyone or muttering "fuck you" at each name in the closing credits. Not like the worst of RTD or Moffatt eras. I have never hated a classic episode like I hate the Shakespeare Code.

Still better than the ending of Shakespeare Code.

Aw Jesus, I hadn't even thought about where the silk came from.

And then buy the rights to Under the Dome.

I did the same a few episodes into season three. Good stuff. And such a relief to suddenly realize I wasn't going to watch again.

A Silver Age season could have been good, with a young Lieberman recruiting everyone's parents.

I'm imagining it more like that old Bizzarro World skit from SNL.

It would have to be a hell of an upswing, and even the promise of it wouldn't make me scrape S3 across my eyes.

Better yet, read the AVC reviews of later seasons and don't watch. You'll laugh and cry.

Strike or no, S2 mostly had problems of inclusion, not exclusion.

Must be a foreign plot to destroy American morale.

He did good guest work with Nomeansno and DOA.

Gates of Steel makes my blood race whenever I hear it.

I realize David Attenborough is very old, has accomplished enough for three lifetimes, and has every right to drop dead whenever he pleases, but his eventual loss will be huge, especially when I have to tell my kid about it. I'm not aware of anyone fit to take his place.

I don't know who that is but I like him now.

Honestly, you think they would redesign chandelier suspension after the fiftieth time some swashbuckler used it to make an escape.

Seriously. And why stop there? Rap that shit in French while you're at it. And then slash my tires.

I can't watch it. I thought I could but I can't.