
There should be Preview Awards.

I guess nobody told Eisenstein about the sixth form of montage.

I was mostly disappointed by this season, though after the excesses of recent Doctor Who, there should have been no surprises for me. I ended up enjoying Mary's interactions with Sherlock and Watson more than their interactions with each other. I pretty much agree on the 90%-good comment about the 3rd episode, but I

Frantic as usual.

Franco is breaking at least four of the ten rules of gun safety in that photo. I've seen worse though.

Don't fall asleep. Go Norsemen!

I've always found Archie comics depressingly unfunny, yet many of my favorite cartoonists seem to think they are the pinacle of comics quality. I must be missing something, but when I try to read Archie my eyes glaze over.

Oh good, something for the kids.

Anyone else think Mycroft's character would be fine if he were called something else? If they wanted to dump Doyle's feature of Mycroft as sly and influential fellow genius, they could have just left him out altogether.

How I wish "dear God the smacking!" were part of the quote.

That is basically a Bristol Cornish accent.

All things considered, the guy had a point.

The terrorist cell leader in Neal Stephenson's REAMDE says he'll never be able to watch that movie again.

Please say there really is a comic book hero/villain called Axebro.

The interface is hot.

I'm still getting the original new main page, and have to click on a specific section, such as newswire, in order to see anything new.

I think it took me a whole season to realise I wasn't enjoying it, because it had some actors I like a lot.

I suppose it would have been too much to hope their only show would be in Leicester. Actually, if they did a hundred shows, none of them would be in Leicester.

Yeah, I've been giving it a pass every week on BBC iplayer. My buddy told me it was "bad, like Merlin-bad." Now I'm kind of curious.

The cooption of revolt is a tough theme to pull off in the short space of a TV show, and this episode does it perfectly. Those who find a crack to slip through end up sealing it themselves.