
Whoa, is that the Earth2 Archmage?

Doesn't look like the article-burying is fixed. I commented on an article this morning that I can't find now.

Someone keeps forgetting to name the show in TV club.

It sort of reminds me of the new Flickr, all in my face.

The only constant thing in the universe is suck.

The main page isn't updating for me. I have to click on newswire and such to find out what's new. I miss being able to scroll through the newswire quickly from the main page.

I think that one's got a large folded poster of GG in a jock strap that's supposed to look like it was "stuck together" and then pulled apart. That album does indeed have some awful stuff on it, but a few gems too.

Most of the singing on GG and the Jabbers is pretty good. I think the quality of his songs is mainly band-driven. I especially liked the Cedar Street Sluts. When I was 17 anyway. Haven't listened to GG in years.

You and me both.

Awesome movie. Terrible trailer.

Sister is the gateway. Listen to 10 seconds of Schizophrenia and you're hooked.


Here's hoping that Harry Tudor finally gets what he deserves

It can't possibly be as bad as what i'm imagining…

Drivin' on 5/10… can't handle the bridge traffic

Never got to see them, but I did have an album that I liked. I was especially fond of Transylvanian Concubine.

Don't forget Lunachicks. Their albums were strangely underwhelming, but their stage shows were amazing.

Whoops you're right. Cicely was supposed to be based on Talkeetna, but now I look it up I see it was filmed in Washington. That must have been a hell of a lot easier.

I thought the quotation marks meant you were quoting someone from the book or the movie.

I'm not trashing PA, but anyone motivated enough to get there can get to the ferry and buy their stuff in Seattle, at a savings that more than justifies the trip.