
No mention of Look Mom No Head? That has some of my favorite cramps songs on it. Stay Sick is pure joy from start to finish. One of the happiest albums I've ever heard.

Believe it or not, Talkeetna makes a bigger deal of its own history and quirks than of its association with a TV show. You'll see more references to "Mayor Stubbs" than to Northern Exposure. They also have a pretty efficient setup to balance tourism and privacy, the real town being behind the showy main drag and

All the same, for a town that's basically the gateway to many of the most fantastically beautiful things on the West coast to be known as that place you heard about because vampires is pretty sad, and also funny because it is Forks' basic hostility to visitors which has kept it so poor following the

The first thing I remember is a big clearing filled with mangled stumps, for which reason I used to refer to Forks as Slash Pile State Park.

Oh come on, no one refers to Port Angeles as "the big city."

Saw these guys in Norwalk in around '89, but I had no idea they had been around so long. I don't remember it well, except that I found their overall sound to be rather soothing.

Can't raise a baby
in mooooo-tor oil

Seduced and abandoned and baby makes two…

Blood. Her blood. Blood. Blood. And bits of sick.

I almost peed my pants when Sanjay and Craig used the baby/exploding ambulance shot.

Only now, in the midst of one of the biggest creative droughts in the history of television…

They are probably just doing it to stop anyone else from doing it, which I kind of respect.

That black belt in Kung Fu should come in handy.

If you can't do it with willpower, a rock, and a fucking ice skate, it's not worth doing.

Thank you for reminding me of that great line from Darkplace.

Such a merciful release to see him kicking the shit out of it later.

I saw Phantasm for the first time at age 16, and realized partway through this was where my 9-year-old nightmares came from. I don't remember having seen previews for it when it came out, but I do remember waking up in a sweat from dreaming about being chased down a long hallway by a flying silver ball with a blade

The words "Jackass Presents" hardly seem necessary.

Oh. Right.

Is there anything that can't be made better by adding Caddyshack?