
If you're ever channel-surfing on mushrooms at 2 in the morning in 1989 and this comes on, leave it. That's my review.

Tony's wife will kick your ass.

Extra wet naps $3.50. I've never seen this guy's show, but now I kind of want to.

Wait, zombies are stupid?

Ithink iProducts put a lot of effort into giving you the feeling that the device doesn't really belong to you; you're just borrowing it.

Holy shit, I can't believe Sean did not add the last paragraph himself.

Long as Huell is involved, I don't care what they do.

Great picture.

I laughed once and now I hate myself. Thanks a lot.

Don't forget Morse Science High vs Commie Martyrs HS

You'd think I would not press play on a video link for a hated top-40 song which I have somehow been fortunate enough never to have heard, but I did, and I was not disappointed. It is perfect Clearchannel product. Now I need something to help me forget.

I'm the same. My intro to the Beatles was borrowing Help! from the library at age 7 and renewing it again and again, but those songs mean pretty much nothing to me now. I like my Beatles well addled.

I want one of those shirts that says "U Reeka!"

I'm the best guest-rappa in the music biz,
I ain't even know who song this is!

Oh dag! That guy just ordered breakfast in the middle of my rap song!

Don't go down that road.  Scrutiny is the enemy of zombie enjoyment.

Maybe they can borrow Ambush Bug and Infectious Lass from DC.

I'm pretty sure that part of Getting Better is a real confession.  Early John seems to have been a bit of a thug, and certainly late John could be controlling and selfish in non-physical ways.

I always heard that song as Lennon acknowledging how ugly his jealousy was, as opposed to him earnestly and publicly terrorizing women.  I haven't heard him talk about the song though, so maybe I'm just hearing what I want to hear.

Rufus Wainwright's does quite a nice job with it.