
Zappa released that same recording under the name "a small eternity with Yoko Ono."

Wouldn't it just be like him if after all this there was no movie?

Jam and Jerusalem: Clatterford vs Hole.

My 7-yr-old super adores the Pogues too.  I think we'll have to have a little youtube binge in the morning to pay our respects.

That is a hell of a loss.  I always loved the song Thousands Are Sailing too. 

They should give your grandpa a show.

of Alcatraz?

Lullaby of Boydland.

As I remember, the d4 tended to have chamfered points (may have helped it roll a bit) while the d8 was pretty sharp.

In Portuguese that would be pronounced "king," more or less.  That is also neither cutesy of harsh.

Oh fuck.  Caption contest!

It would have been great to see the complete Bonzos set from A hard Day's Night.

Thanks, I was just thinking of The Dregs, but couldn't remember the name of that show.

I've never changed allegiances so fast as when Riverbottom started that song.

I would have been equally happy with DI or The Vandals from the original Suburbia.  I did finally get to see DI in Norwalk Ct, so maybe the Vandals win this one.

The Canopus In Argos series is what she called "inner-space fiction."  It's like slices of heart and mind from five different angles.  Some of it is funny too, which is nice.

Shit, me too I guess.  I don't remember that at all.

Much as I like her, her presence in Prince Caspian was jarring; not that I expected better from the movie by then.

I suppose Tom Baker has gotten too fat to replay the role.

All of Walter's adversaries this season are created by Walter to some degree, which may be why they seem like pale substitutes for someone like Fring.  Even Hank would have been more or less content behind a desk after Gale went down if Walter hadn't convinced him that the hunt was still on.  It's not a season of