
I think I like this one best so far.  Runner-up was Robyn Hitchcock.

I thought it was Tom Lehrer.

Jesse's box scene may have been a flash forward.  When they panned out to show the room I thought no way is that a high school shop, and no way do high school kids in a blowoff class use hand-made tools; so I figured it was a combination of Jesse daydreaming and an analogue to Jesse as a master of his true craft,

Y'all are brutalizing me.

The sheriff of a certain dome-covered town would like a word.

Even then they had Beach Parties that lasted longer than German operas.

Don't forget the Chicken Soup For The [your demographic here] Soul Channel.

Well he's certainly…steadfast.

I thought she was meant to be Gabriel AKA The Snob.

Go ahead and laugh, but with being able to watch Syfy shows on Hulu and borrow DVDs from the library, I was blissfully unaware until today that the network was following the other specialty networks into L&A Purgatory/Reality Hell.

That's sort of like giving out raisins on Halloween.

And our image of Canada as the land of sensible restraint takes another blow.

The Hitler Channel did make some progress toward disabusing Americans of the idea that the entire Nazi death toll was limited to 6 million, all Jews, or that this number could have been inflated somehow by a government famously obsessed with record-keeping.  Much as I wished at the time they would cover something

In accordance with the network's commitment to sucking, Moore's "Helix" will be all about Helo.  OK sorry, that was uncalled-for.  

Some of those boxed wines are not bad though.

I just started watching this show, or as much as is available for streaming outside the US, and it's pretty damn funny.  It's fun to have San Diego as the center of the world for a change.  Also, scary Karen Gillian.  When Alphonse starts in with his "back in Alaska" spiel, I think "shit, I must sound just like

Two cops died trying to catch Heisenberg.  No way he's not all over the news.

Sinead O'Connor's performance of All Apologies makes me laugh like a hyaena.

"I'm so bored, I might as well be listening to Genesis!"

Cool, now let's hear the "cheese intended" version.