
She's less fun than most of her friends, but she's anything but blank.  The girl has issues galore, so we spend a lot of time on her problems when we'd probably rather be watching Giles or Spike, but as showrunners go, she's pretty real.

I think Korra's show faced an uphill battle by being restricted to one city and one regular group of characters.  Most of the characters only shine when they are interacting with people outside the main group.  Aang's world was much more a world you might want to hang out in, because it always had new places and new

I think to really appreciate Korra at first, I had to make myself stop comparing her to Aang, who has the advantages of travelling all over the world and not being a teenager.

Just a piece of it, so that's ok.

I understood; I just think it's funny because it seems (to me as a newcomer) like the UK has less to lose from piracy than the US, yet is getting more done about it.

Those British license fee payers will be having a bit of trouble downloading anything these days with all their big IP's playing whack-a-mole with torrent sites.

Yeah I guess Cartoon Network would have been a dead giveaway, but they don't say the network near the episode titles any more.  All I usually see is a bunch of initials I don't want to guess the meaning of and suddenly hey, Martin Starr in sunglasses!

Seeing the title of this show I couldn't tell whether it was like a ninth-generation CSI-spinnoff show or a parody of same.  The presence of Martin Starr has got me intrigued though.  Anybody vouch for this business?

That kid always had a beautiful smile.

For the last month they have messed up the same delivery and over again on an item too large for me to carry, and the nearest store is two trains and 20 GBP away in Coventry, so rather a lot.  Like I said, good time to get laid since you're stuck waiting within earshot of the phone for not less than 45min, if it

We've pretty much redefined good and bad in the last 15 years.  Bad TV used to only send me reaching for the dial; current reality shows can suck all joy and hope out of me in the time it takes to change the channel. 

Seriously, 13 hours?  Guy must be staring to lose his bounce.

Sometimes we have to put music on just to chase IKEA's waiting-on-the-phone music from our heads before we can get in the mood.  It's too bad, because you could have a lot of fun in the 45-60 minutes it takes to get IKEA on the phone.

Bette Midler?

Fuck! Even in the future nothing works!

I can't recommend his audio book reading of Steppenwolf highly enough.

So not as fun as the Royle Family.

Well I'm certainly not treading the Internet so lightly for fear of Dome spoilers

Pretty sure Maher was just trying to stem what he recognized as a soon-to-be tide of rhetoric.

I'm with you. I moved to the UK two weeks ago and am almost ready to stop using the Internet until this shit comes out on DVD (just BB, not the Dome).