
I guess it can only get worse then.

The Homeric portion of Ilium is great fun. The rest depends on how you like your scifi. I liked it all the way through, with the sequel falling a little short.

…he's leadin' me astray
O'er hills and mountains
And to Americay
He's swayter, stronger, daycenter
He's spunkier nor tay,
Ooooh Big Jim you're me darlin' drunk or soooooober

That alien larva better hatch out soon, or there will be no one left alive for it to brain-suck/impregnate/devour slowly/mind control. Oh wait sorry; that won't happen because it would be awesome.

"Given what we've endured up to this point" is apparently all the qualification required.

Someone's started grading on a curve.

They've got seven years to make motorcycles go in reverse. First time I saw that movie was with a biker friend, and he nearly wept.

Something like that. Just don't ask me to keep score. Anyway I gave him extra credit for Big Fish.

Now I am imagining Winona Ryder as Mary Corleone… mmm, dissonant..

Nic Cage or no, I am grateful never to have seen Tim Burton's Superman, and I usually like Burton's films.

Only music I heard in Newfoundland was by local folks at little joints like the Squid Jigger in Ferryland. I think most of what they played was from Ireland and Cape Breton, and they seemed fond of the Pogues.

Funny thing is, this guy could probably have a pretty good conversation with Wayne Coyne about that song.

Looks like he had some Blue Heeler in him. I always liked them. Very unpretentious and sensible.

Haven't read The Grandmothers, but I super dig Doris Lessing. This sounds godawful though.

I have been continuously impressed at Gordon's general savvy, and ability to avoid discomfort by planning ahead.

I don't think I've read any of his books yet, but the guy already has my gratitude for publishing Fritz Lieber.

Those early shows sound fucking amazing. Gonna have to do some homework.

The Happiness Patrol is bad in a good way though.

May the open shirt/hairy chest combo never come back in style.

I am also enjoying the complete absence of anything familiar in the reviews.