
We could drink instead of punching ourselves in the head.

Pretty sure it wasn't a problem in the book.

Where is 45 Grave?

Nothing about the Magic Punch?

Penis fucking Envy man.  I discovered that album in my girlfriend's record collection when I was 17 and it blew my mind.  I don't think Crass ever made anything else half as good. 

Yeah that's a funny example because it was famous mainly for the videos being on MTV (I remember when MTV consisted of maybe fifty videos), but most people I knew hadn't noticed how fucking good it was.  I say this as someone who can barely tolerate 80's synth too.

Nostalgia for that decade gets to me too.  I went to a party where the "entertainment" was an 80's cover band called The Awesomes.  I said "What do you do for the finale, kick my ass and tell me to get a haircut?"  Of course, all that misery gave us some of the most amazing punk albums as a consolation prize. 

Dreams Less Sweet is a great album, though I prefer A Pagan Day.  The Orchids is one of my favorite songs.  

That's her all over: cool outfit, dull song.  If she could make the music as weird as the visuals, she would be awesome.

He definitely carries his weight.  I love his audition in Arizona Dream.  Wonderful movie.

I'd have been disappointed if he had let Ender's Game happen without opening his mouth.

…and that's what I was waiting for.  I was hoping I wouldn't have to say it.

If you can't help them, fleeing in terror is often the only sensible recourse. 

I grew up with thick ringlets, so my pretensions to sporting a large mohawk also came to nothing, regardless of product.  I sat down dreaming of the Exploited, and got up looking like the Misfits.  Just as well, as I hadn't really thought about the kind of maintenance I'd be committing to. 

I think I had crushes on three of the four leads in this movie at some point.  One of them was not Judd Hirsh, no offense. 

I think it can be difficult to separate River Phoenix the actor from River Phoenix the outrageously beautiful, but I always thought he was a solid actor.  One of my favorite roles of his was the 10 minutes or so he played young Indiana Jones (not to be confused with "Young Indiana Jones").  He must have practiced that

Good thing too.  Just imagine Keanu Reeves trying to carry The Karate Kid by himself.  Now that I'm thinking about it, it sound pretty damn funny actually.

I also think Lydia is one of the more interesting players.  She's supposed to be dead, but her instincts keep kicking in and saving her.  She seems almost as resourceful as Walt, especially in the field of weak-hand strategy.  Gale Boetticker has revealed bits of a rich private life every time we've seen him.  Jesse

Yeah the woman is in an intolerable position and appears to be suffering from depression.  She's a downer because Walt has ruined her life, turned her son against her, and made her look like a head case.  I don't see how her lack of humor makes her less real. 

Finally the music is as strange as the rest of what she does.  It's about time.  Also, that place had some nice floors.