
For me it is.

Glad he did so. In other news, Screw Colbert for going back to his schedule of working every other week.

My viewing opportunities are very limited but we just got an OTA channel Comet and they show two episodes on Sunday. They don't have many so I've seen I Accuse My Parents three times now. There's a short included, right? And what's that weird one with the song composer and the woman dancing in the kitchen that keeps

That's hilarious. They should come sit with me when I'm watching just about anything.

I really hate how the word cosplay has been normalized to where I hear kids and old people my age use the term.

It's possible each state has a different procedure for appointing emergency senators. I sure wouldn't want Scott Walker to appoint Tammy Baldwin's replacement, for instance. And although this is a national emergency, I'm not sure there is a way to bypass confirmation hearings for Supreme Court justices. But the

Young men will truly regret the choice of boxers someday.

And Betty White's brilliant Sue Ann Nivens' The Happy Homemaker played well into it. No wonder republicans wanted to stamp satire right out. Sue Ann was a snake the second the mics went cold, but had an occasional hot mic. Thanks for the reminder.

I was especially disappointed when he softballed the John Dickerson interview last month, who took over Face the Nation, another product of CBS.

I just caught The Choice 2016 on PBS and it does point out how Trump was lighted in a high back, high end chair to look presidential, and how it somehow rehabilitated his image. I just remember more than a few contestants being scared of of him. It's well worth seeing.

Who knows since they only air kiss and he prefers his daughter to be closer. She probably got a bonus for the kid, like Tom Cruise promised Katie for silently grunting out a second one.

You didn't watch the show. Nobody said it was sexual abuse and they made a point to test packs of new undies which tested for DNA from no one in the dozens tested, so either the sewer or packager. Always wash new clothes.

Well, he might have hit her hard on the head over a piece of pineapple. The rest was up to his parents who told him to stay in bed. He was creepy as a kid and more so now.

So you've never had a brother who intentionally threw a hardball into your face?

I think that's pretty much what happened.

My problem is anyone who in recent memory wouldn't attend (right wing SCOTUS) were safe? The first thing on their plates is to find out who, if anyone, is left in congress or anywhere else.

The butt lick here over Kimmy Schmidt makes me want to avoid anything to do with it.

For me I contributed a Queen album in art class.

Um, no. This site has warmed me off way too much by over the top coverage and the title is stupid.
