
I'm going to Vegas Psycho Fest at the Hard Rock Casino in August - metal dorks, look at that fucking lineup, and I got a good deal on a room there. I don't care if it sucks. Legal weed and being able to just walk up to my room and take a nap between bands if I get bored sounds like a win to me.

How much of Andy Kindler's podcast is dedicated to him obsessively ranting about comedians who have the nerve to be more successful than he is?

It's cause I switched to whiskey to maintain my figure.

I'll try again. I always run out of Northern Wind bombs, and they don't do a great amount of damage. I can't get him to get into the Yrden that easily, as I don't think I ever used it much in the game proper, and he gets in cheap shots when I try to use Quen. I'm just really kind of weak with non melee combat in this

Nearing the end of the main quest on Mirror's Edge: Catalyst. There's a lot wrong with the game, but it's mildly entertaining and worth the 10 bucks I got it for.

I can't get past that goddamn tedious frog in Hearts of Stone. I'm not normally the type to take difficulty below normal, but I might just to get on with it.

I'm reading the book, and that's a big through-line. He'll likely get some blowback, but most of it is centered on Ted Cruz.

Someone said Breakin' the Law. I'm listening to British Steel. Them's the rules.


Don't forget Ken Ham, another "Creation Scientist," and (one would imagine) this guy's boss.

My guess is that he knows all the actual science but is a deliberate huckster.


I was listening on a big 7.1 stereo, and l thought my neighbor was going to start pounding on the floor. That bass drone came in like a fucking sunn o))) album.

I'm really hoping we get at least one ep when Playing House starts up again.

I think CBB's (and Doug Loves Movies) downhill slide started when Scott stopped doing the live shows.

What happened for me is that I discovered the flop house.

Certainly June, who wrote "Bride Wars" probably shouldn't be getting too mad about shit movies - though her shtick is really more incoherence than rage.
I feel like they got some pushback from Smurfs from friends associated with it, which is why they deleted it from the feed.

Well, they're going to have to. With Elliot moving to LA, they're going to have to do the MBMBAM editing thing.

Fuck…I'm 45 minutes in and didn't realize Ming was on this.

Considering the guest list is more often than not newcomers (and the feel of "nice try, but this isn't really working" that that invariably comes with), I'm hoping he brings back WYR. It's a good way to salvage a weak episode.