
I re-purchased L.A. Noire for the PS3, and I'm giving it another go. I quit when you got sent to Vice the first time around. This time, I'm doing it in B&W, and it makes it much more satisfying. I haven't had any problems finding clues yet (though I'm still in homicide and remember most of them), but the B&W really

His work on David Sylvian's "Gone to Earth" never gets enough love.

ehhhh…You know he's worked with Coldplay, right?

Small quibble - Sorry, but it's just a pet peeve of mine. No one goes to jail for 20 years. It's prison.

I watched it on a 65 with full surround/sub. I thought the crackling during the "convenience store spasm" scene was going to bust out my speakers. Lynch himself has been doing the sound design, and it's the best I've ever heard on television.

I - embarrassingly - didn't recognize the Penderecki music at first, so I described it as "Ben Frost scores Tree of Light."

I've tried to watch Inland Empire 3x now, and something about it just puts me to sleep almost instantly (same with Dune, which I think I finished once). That ugly-as-sin DV - and Lynch's statement at the time that he'd never go back to film - really turned me off. But this episode (and the preceding 7) are some of the

Ugh. Don't encourage fan theories.

"Get Alden Ehrenreich an acting coach!"

When he released Inland Empire, which looked like an absolute turd, and then said "I'm never working with real film again," I was so bummed. But if he's pulling this off, it completely redeems it.

Are we, the humble commenters, not allowed to give something an "A"? Every vote above is an A, but it says "A-."

I'm pretty sure I saw Noel Bitchass Murphy at Target once.

I like it, but they need to SETTLE THE FUCK DOWN. They don't need to fill every second of silence with rapid-fire riffing. It's got to have at least 50% more riffs than the classic show (or Rifftrax).

Go to fucking hell, internet.

I showed mine squirrel and bird videos for a while, until I got scared he was going to scratch up the screen.

I always find it in the same spot - under my foot!
Does Dave Barry still write books?

I have an older cat that my mom checks on when I'm out of town. Apparently he's really moody and hides in a closet the whole time I'm gone. When I come back, it's like one of those "dog's soldier returns" videos. Makes me feel bad to leave him.

If mine's paying in vomit, he's due a refund.

Yeah, I know my vape pen is embarrassing, but I haven't had a cigarette in almost two years, my house and clothes don't stink of smoke, I'm saving like 40-50 bucks a week, and I don't have wheezing smoker's cough.

I'll put my comment history up against Kindler's twitter feed any day.