little birdhouse in your soul

Random dig at an unrelated movie? Odd, that wasn't even Dowd's section.

I'm getting that feeling, just from the previews of Riddick. She is meant to be a badass in space and possibly excels at it. I've just hated her other roles.

A person doing that to make a movie because they like the material? In 2013? Silly hu-man, movies are for corporations.

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus It never even occurred to me that Willow was the one successful rape. Huh. There really is no difference between magic and a mickey, is there? It's neat to see new angles after all this time.

It was definitely from outer space, the trace radiation is how Riley tracked it.

@avclub-80bc853838cd47a7af0904d054d90cc4:disqus =(

It's really entertaining, but in his canon, yeah, it's not even top 3 for me.

They're spending so much time making Hannah the Most Important Thing to Dexter, I think it's so they can kill her off in the finale and have it be A Big Deal without doing anything serious to Dexter.

True story: the final episode of Lost is the only one I ever saw. It seemed pretty good. I may be lacking some context though.

Well, this is the supposed genius who thought it would be a good idea to date his next target, making himself the prime suspect for no reason whatsoever, when if he hadn't, no one would have ever known who he was.

That dress of Hannah's was great. It wasn't just hot pink, it was a hot pink skintight miniskirt. Because if there's one thing that flies right under people's radar, it's superhot women in fuck-me dresses.

Are you kidding? He was relentlessly killable, which kept the audience on Daniel Plainview's side during their conflicts and especially the climax, when spoiler spoiler spoiler. It was a role that required you to hate a fundamentally good character. If you wanted to off him, I think he did his job.

@Call Me Carlos the Dwarf

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Actually you're right. I was thinking more comic book superhero but Buffy wasn't even from comics, and TV has lots of female leads in all genres.

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus My problem with S6 can be summed up right in the first episode, where, after Buffy is brought back to life, everyone stands around talking about her instead of running and hugging her.

Wow. Well, color me surprised.

The zeal comes from a few places. Part is from the bad years, after Firefly was cancelled and then after it became clear that there wouldn't be another movie. Like Rambo, some part of us will always be fighting that war.

I'm just pleased that people care so little that there are only seven comments a full five hours later. It is the appropriate reaction to Coldplay.

Thank god it wasn't, because I am oh so sick of space operas with rubber-foreheaded aliens. Aside from being a tired and annoying trope, it makes no sense that every sentient creature in the universe looks and sounds exactly like a human, but with a rubber face.

*removes cigar from mouth*