little birdhouse in your soul

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus Oh, I'm going there. Khan is a classic but ultimately he's still a broad sci-fi villain, without 1/10th of the precision, depth and menace of The Operative.

Those people are frustrating, because the point is a real one. The war was about power and money, like all wars. But if you try to twist it into some issue about "state's rights", well, no, because the state's right you're trying to defend is slavery.

S6 throws out all of the characters' identities and existing relationships in favor of dime store melodrama. The only way I can understand anyone thinking it was awesome is if they had no affection for the characters to begin with. And considering they are the show, I can't understand watching all the way to S6 if you


"Your broadwave about Miranda has weakened their regime, but they are not gone, and they are not… forgiving."

Definitely. Whatever you think of the rest of the movie, he's a villain that deserves a place in history. If there was a top ten, I'd put him somewhere above the original Khan (YA RLY; it's an iconic performance but there's just no comparing the writing) and below Darth Vader (obvs).

I don't think so; I think he writes characters the way they speak. Tony Stark and Cap don't talk that way, they talk the way they talk, so they're written that way.

He's magnificent. Just Shakespearean in his bigness. In a better world it would have made Ejiofor into a big damn star.

It's fitting that it's September, because I think the studio's choice to send it to theatres in late September really contributed to it bombing. It was originally scheduled for something like May or June. But September is the death month for movies, especially movies that you're selling to a younger demographic.

I finally watched Pitch Black last night based on the review and these comments, and I can really see why it's a cult hit. It's not as polished as Alien, but, the writing is really fantastic, tight, and noir-y. All of the characters are fully formed from the outset with no exposition needed (except for Riddick, and

I pretty much just wanted to make a Scream reference. (Though I actually did the diligence and googled for screamo in Sydney, and one of the top results was an ad for members of a screamo band dated August 25th 2013, which was amusing.)

"Shut up and get a haircut" - All of his girlfriends' fathers

"may co-star with truck"

I've seen her in two things that I can remember since BSG (an episode of Bionic Woman and Sexy Evil Genius) and she was terrible in both of them. The movie was bad enough on its own that it's hard to tell how much of that was her, though. I guess her thing is kind of playing a badass in space, so maybe she's not as

I guess he just likes liking things.

The original was nearly a horror movie. I remember it scaring me more than the horror movies of the day, anyway.

That depends, are internet commenters born or made?

People defend his comedies? You might want to consider knowing different people. They're universally reviled. Nazi pedophile telemarketers hate them.

Eh, talking trash about a crowd that pissed him off is just what a comedian does, I think. When he challenges Hartford to a wrestling match, we'll talk.

Hello, Sydney.