little birdhouse in your soul

"Are You Gonna Go My Way" is his one song that's at once catchy, rocking, and has its own backbone made of a guy and his guitar.

I was being snarky too. I know you're not smart. You're the resident religion pusher.

You must be very smart.

That's one of the drawbacks of a letter grade system. A B- feels worse (to me) than a C+, even though it's technically better. It's why I think a star system is best, with 4 stars. Too many (like IMDB's 10 star system) and votes tend to be always at the top or bottom; too few (3 or less) doesn't allow enough

She told him. Last night.

I was playing Everquest. I didn't stop. As far as I remember, it wasn't even much of a conversation in the group; there were orcs to kill. Same reaction for the Boston bombing, except that time, I was only a few miles outside the city.

Yes. Exactly.

Yes. This.

I was in my mid-latish teens and I remember his rants seeming like the awesomest things I had ever heard. I wonder if it was the age. At the time it felt like something new and special. He's saying fuck on TV whenever he wants! The internet has definitely made that aspect less special; I don't think it would be near

Eh. I eat meat, every day, don't plan to stop, but killing things for pure vanity won't ever be ok.


He wasn't entirely black, but he was highly brown. "Hair like sheep's wool" and all that. A blonde dude with blue eyes he was not.

You don't live in that world. It's Bale.

Just a followup:

Not really. I don't see many people at all saying Keaton was the perfect Batman. That line is a troll in an otherwise decent article. Where's the downvote button?

The Hulk is the strongest thing in the Marvel universe.

Hello, whore.

You're so cool. Wanna make out?

It was the years of "Look! He took his shirt off again!" in the news, combined with romcoms. Really glad he recovered from it, Killer Joe was great.

John Goodman's voice or GTFO.