
Why didn't future Rousseau recognize Jin?

I thought that too. That's definitely the musician.

That is pure comic gold ZMF! You truly own our asses, sir, including Mr. "Bitchass Murphy".

What don't you fuckin' understand?
I mean yeah he's an asshole but that techno song is the most hilarious thing I've heard/seen in days.

My public library carries it.

Who is worse? Phish or The String Cheese Incident? And by who's worse I mean can we just agree they are equally as unbearable?

I agree man. Super cheesy and just plain difficult to sit through. It's Boss TIIIIIIIME!!!! Yuck.

Nice w.w.o.f.t.b.b.n.r. You beat me to it and the Jack avatar. Well, ok, not the Jack avatar. I prefer Rose.

F vs. J sucked, but not as bad as I thought it was going to. And at least we got to see Jason hack frat boy types with a machete and whatnot. Also that lady from Destiny's Child.

Look, look I'm being repressed!

This sounds almost as bad as
the book Get Born Again about Layne Staley. Not even a fan of the guy but he deserved a better book, or perhaps no book at all, to this steaming pile of pterodactyl droppings.

Seconded! Great book and, obviously, show.

Dustin Hoffman was pretty good in that role. But yeah, Bruce's albums are very dated.

I wonder how the next take went.

The "I like everything except ____" answer has been really overused but in the way mbs presents it I think I understand. The memories associated with music you didn't even mean to hear often prove insightful and worthwhile.

I mean come on.

If my last name were Deed I would name my son Owen in honor of Omar.

Yeah she was my dad's favorite. And one of mine too. And she still sounds excellent on newer stuff for sure.

Cave Man Lawyer. Troy McClure. A big second on the Hartman in general.

But older stuff like Emmylou does tug at my heart.