
Growing up in Wyoming amidst endless Modern Mainstream Country like Toby "We'll put a boot in your ass"" Keith constantly blasting from nearly every public hallway speaker has led me to not just a hatred of the genre but also of people. Thus the self hate that permeates my every waking moment.

Bill Hicks
Thought he was a pretty cool fella.

If someone has it within themselves to read several Calvin and Hobbes strips and not consider it excellent then… well I just don't want to think about a person like that.

Completely ok.

How do you feel about dudes who sing Tenacious D at karaoke Floyd Bent Son?

Completely agree. Though continuing to consider bands like The Germs as shining examples of what punk is supposed to be… I'm just going to shut the fuck up because thus far I haven't stepped in over my head.

You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em together!

Good to know there sexbobomb.

I feel the same way about people who dismiss all of Monty Python as "boring".

Terrence McKenna
was all over that 2012 shit. His books were among my favorites when I was a 19 year old ingesting psychedelic mushrooms at alarming rates. Now I'm not sure what to think of him, them or the end of the world in general.

Richard as Smoke Monster
Saw that idea presented further down and am curious what others think. The idea that Richard isn't actually human but instead a built in defense system of the island a la Jacob?


I recently realized Evangeline Lilly was an extra in Freddy vs. Jason. She was in one scene. That's one scene more than she was in this episode. Pretty pointless post, this.