
After many, many viewings of Dark Knight I have to say I just don't think it's going to stand up as a classic. Ledger's performance, yes, but otherwise, meh. I'll go die in a canceraids fire now.

As I said above, Gridlock'd owns.

Awesome inventory
Gridlock'd owns.

owns my face.

Oh yeah. My mistake. I was thinking of the George Carlin special. I failed.

Willingham sounds like a jerk from most interviews but the series is pretty amazing.

I think they already are, actually. Life is Worth Losing. I think Gaiman is attached.

Preacher had the go ahead on HBO like a year and a half ago and for whatever reason there has been no new news since then.

Patrick Stewart would fucking OWN as Spider Jerusalem.

Loved Y. Brian K. Vaughn is currently adding scripts to Lost I believe.

should never be brought to the screen in any format.

No possessions.

I hope so, as those staring contests were quite possibly the most hilarious things ever of all-time in the history of the universe.

Fucking A
This is great news.

Anyone read Scar Tissue?
If they stay true to that book this show will be quite the train wreck. Well, except for the scenes from Kiedis' youth when he watched his dad do blow with Keith Moon, I guess.

Nicely done Dell.

Though the correct film won this year.

Just to announce it
I suck.

I was wondering the same thing.

Hopefully Penny kicked his ass, although we've seen before that he's a skilled enough fighter to take down several armed fellows.