I'm sorry, did you say "Wonder Erection"?
I'm sorry, did you say "Wonder Erection"?
How would one go about removing an erection from a computer monitor?
I like this show, but this episode was a hot sack of ass
@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Every time I see ESPN is showing Mexican soccer scores on the bottom line and Queretaro pops up, I automatically say "La Catrina", to the confusion of the less-educated bastards around me.
Sure, until all the goddamn pages all get stuck together.
It is just so ridiculous. All of the profiling they do is treated as an absolute certaintly and always ends up being correct. In reality all the things they use to profile may have some statistical basis in fact, but in the fantasy world of the show there is an insane 100% likelihood that they will correctly interpret…
Hell, make God to Prayer to Dawes
My main memory of Perils of Rosella: Installing my friend's copy and then spending an hour trying to guess what the Xth word on the Yth page of the instruction manual was in order to get past the copy protection every time I wanted to play.
People tell me I'm white, and I believe them, because I belong to an all-white country club.
That Ralph Macchio guy is kind of a douche.
Public schools…roads…hell I don't believe in stoplights, why should I have to pay for them?
Um, the problem with rolling the dice and not having health insurance is that you might just rack up health costs that you could never repay. All those opt-outers will have their medical treatment approved by the DEATH PANELS. If you get cancer or something and you aren't really wealthy, your ass is dead. And we'd…
^ Niiiiice
squinty o'tool
Don't you mean
to "premiere" online?
O come let us abort him
No doubt, but you can't overlook the appeal of "Black Swan: Robots in Disguise" either
"…the sorcerer who transformers ultimately seals Odette's doom."
Dude Ate My Car