
I saw James Brown at the Montreal Jazz fest somewhere around 1999 and I was only like 13 and still just BLOWN away. That man could perform.

I think the way that Willow is dealt with (and is herself dealing) is really great. It grounds everything back in reality to a certain extent, even though it's been months she's still ashamed, uncertain, and sad, and Giles is not treating it lightly, but his love is evident nonetheless.

Yes! Season 6 was definitely my least favorite, but not even by much, and I happily stick up for season 7 whenever it comes up (which isn't really that often these days).

Porkchop - I swear those are the 3 things I am MOST jealous of men for.

If it were just 30 minutes of him strutting the streets in his cape - no dialogue - it still would have been approximately 30x better.

Frank and Estelle screaming at each other never ceases to make me laugh. I honestly don't know what it is, but that stray observation quote actually made me laugh just imagining it.

There should be a "but" in front of the second sentence. Stupid un-editable comments.

Fritzy-poo, you are right ALL up and down. You don't have to do a surprise wedding to not be a pain in the ass, though that did seem extremely fun on P&R.

Maybe it's sweet when it's on their 40th anniversary, but Mariah and Nick do it EVERY year… that is pretty unbearable.

That show is amazing. I'm pretty sure by their standards 20 is old to be getting married; most of them are in their late teens, and one episode featured a 22 year old who was the oldest of everyone she knew to get married.

It's atually kind of funny to imagine Kenny Bania as the one making that comment.

I bought Minka's dress to wear when I show up with a boombox outside Koski's window…

Charlie: Weuhl hullo there miss Stubbs!

Sorry, it's clearly:
….everyone else…

hahah and Aziz's "One! Zero! Negative one million! Just stop talking about it," was hilarious.

I loved Andy running up with his stuff at the health-food store.
Chris: I said ONE.
Andy: [looks pleadingly at April]
April: The pinwheel.
Andy: [ecstaticly puts the pinwheel on the belt and chucks the other stuff behind him.]

I LOVE the Chicken Roaster episode. My most often used Seinfeld quote is from that one -

I remember watching it when I was like 12 and having only the vaguest of ideas as to what they were talking about, but Elaine's "I don't know how you walk around with those things" really hit home even then.

This just in: advocating choice = telling people what to do!

Seriously, college is not even a good investment anymore, so why not let her work for a few years at least so she has some of her own savings?