
I'm kind of surprised by all the hate (and random demands for other show coverage that is taking up about half the comment-real estate).

that's a pretty nice response to someone whose last word was "fuckface".

my favorite thing to do stoned is eat thai food and watch The IT Crowd. I tried watching Deadwood a couple of times… that did not work.

Natalie Portman has a butt-double in the movie. Oddly. Hopefully the butt-double won't start a stink in the press about how she did 95% of the butt-ing and Portman hardly butt-ed at all.

Exactly, Spike attempts to rape her because he doesn't have a soul. Also as was pointed out in the review, their first sexual interactions came from fighting, so for him to have that thought isn't outside the realm of possibility.


That line
The WAY that Buffy turns Warren's "say goodnight bitch" back on him is so awesome. That scene has higher stakes than her usual fights, and Warren's misogyny and sociopathy is ramping up higher and higher throughout the episode.

My Year of Fops - that is TOTALLY the best moment of the show. And the way George visibly cowers is just so perfect. I'm pretty sure they all know Mickey could kick any of their asses.

Wiig and Alan Tudyk were basically the best thing about Knocked Up, so there's that, too.

I'm waiting for Zippy minus Zippy. Or Marmaduke minus Marmaduke.

My biggest problem with the Snapple product placement is it just seemed like terrible strategy. "Let's follow a bunch of people miserably drinking tea, complaining about drinking the tea, and crying about drinking the tea, with an ad for our new tea!"

mad typist, I didn't really put it together how much Ben's backstory make him perfect for staying in Pawnee but you hit it on the head. He's still involved in government, so he still thinks its important, and this is a place where he can work hard and have people around him be happy and proud.

The UConn game caused me to miss some of The Office, partly because we were watching it during the commercials, and partly because whenever I'd flip back to The Office my husband would start going "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THE GAME IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT BAAAAHHHH"

Did anyone else have a banner for "The Voice" covering the bottom 1/4 of the screen for at least half the evening?

"3 years salary, right?" Yes the reaction to the ring was great.

My husband and I do it all the time to each other when we are telling boringly long "what i did today" stories. It is funny enough that it smooths over any hurt feelings caused by being told you are boring.

Taxi Driver, in the theater. It was not quite what I expected.

I don't know if many others saw the clip of "after the finale" or whatever where the director goes "Yeah that last scene ties up all the loose ends perfectly" or something. I think what he meant was "we had to tack on an extra 4 min scene to deal with all the shit we forgot about this entire season…"

Enver REALLY needs to be in more shows/movies. But that might be problematic for me because I basically can't control myself when looking at him….

Oh my god, that HAM! cut made me lose it. So dumb, but so funny.