
I watch an embarrassing amount of Bravo reality tv, and just like Todd's wife said, it was SPOT ON. To the point that maybe twice I forgot it was actually 30 Rock.

I don't know, he always seemed the very epitome of early-90s cool, which now that I think of it was basically not cool at all. But he is a mimbo… oh boy is he a mimbo…

UM, he was also on What I Like About You, a show that I dont' think ever existed except as a syndicated show that runs on the CW from like 1-3 p.m. Be unemployed for a little while with no cable and you'll become quite familiar with him.

It's like she's pretty enough to be a model!

that quote instantly makes the video even better.

You guys (av club) should post the audio to this interview. There is little that brings me more pleasure than listening to these two make each other laugh.

Marshall is hilarious as he gets increasingly sick of Kikuki. "Here we go again with the cookies…"

absolutely. Joanie was sold to Cy Toliver after being raped by her father and his friends for years. If that's not being Sold Under Sin, I don't knwo what is, and it certainly wasn't a minor scene to me. I'm surprised it basically wasnt' mentioned in this write up…

I wouldn't worry about the yak. You can hit an animal that large, with that much fur, about as hard as you possibly can and it would barely notice, much less be caused pain.

normally i'm not into just flat out panning an episode because of the terrible choices of the women (because then watching the show would be basically awful) but it is really getting hard to overlook as they clearly guide this finale in the same direction as last season.

Mike's prank was kinda funny, but the endless clips of him talking about it made it not funny.

the Vinny & Pauly show would be infinitely more watchable than the current jersey shore episodes.

it's true, you can tell he's in the penguin family because of his ridiculous eyebrows.

doesn't he also kind of grab her hands and start mashing them on his shoulders? I swear I remember that happening.

totally. Of course they should largely base eliminations on the food they were presented with, but it's absurd to send home a great chef who over salted one dish instead of a mediocre chef who made a slightly-less-bad mistake.

Yeah, I actually said "oh shut up" out loud when he made that comment about everything he makes being terrible. He loves his food, as has been made abundantly clear over two seasons - saying you think you suck is not suddenly going to make you humble, Blais.

They should have had last season's winners stick around as guest judges - then you'd have more drama from the chefs wanting to prove themselves, especially if they'd just lost the quickfire.

of course! how could i have forgotten 'fetch me my tools'. perfect example.

It was mentioned in last week's comments…
But this episode has its own great lines that are great almost purely based on delivery:

Personally I'd like to see a writeup for Ru Paul's Drag Race, aka the greatest reality television show to ever air.