
I love when Tim prays to his Buffy poster. I'm not sure if it happened yet or not (might be in the finale).

I love when Tim prays to the Buffy poster - I can't remember if that's happened yet or not.

It really has to be When You Someone Podcast. That's clearly the only reasonable suggestion so far.

dead souls - exactly. The second Alby lowered the gun from Nicki's head I was pissed. I don't hate her like many fans of the show do, but something so dramatic happening just felt necessary.

i doubt it was Nicki's, It's not like Alby doesn't own a few dozen handguns. I was wondering where her oh-so-helpful purse gun was when Alby first kept her from leaving.

agreed that it was better than past episodes. I think that was why I ended up being SO dissapointed-it didn't deliver on anything. We'll see what happens next week… I'm still hopeful for some reason.

best line
Hal: How you doin' Louise?
Louise: Been better… There's some kind of snowball effect happening or somethin.

Juniper Creek
Strengtheneing your guess that Bill et al will end up back in Juniper Creek was Alby's comment along the lines of "there has never been a successfully prosecuted charge against someone in Juniper Creek."

This episode infuriated me! Nothing of consequence actually happened! Margie briefly doubted her family, but came back to them by episodes end. The only person to die was totally irrelevant - Nicki or Alby dying would have actually amounted to something. Barb was potentially going to be charged with procuring,

Yeah, Elaine's laugh absolutely MAKES The Pez Dispenser, and that's one of my favorite episodes.

sometimes when I'm really pissed off, I imagine Frank Costanza yelling whatever I'm thinking, and it immediately makes me at least smile, if not laugh.

I'm really looking forward to the finale - hopefully Mike I will be humiliated by Voltaggio and Carla will destroy that idiot Hosea. I want carnage!

embarrassingly enough, I actually gasped when she said "Richard, please pack your knives…" and I almost didn't catch the "so you can go to the bahamas." part.

maybe not, but in the commentary simon pegg says a number of times how much he would have loved to do a third season or movie in order for them to get together. it's pretty clear that the creators of the show saw the storyline going there.

Casey Barteau.

hahah i totally thought they were mahjong tiles too. ah well, it's pretty funny either way.

yeah, the movie is a comedy, but the dialogue above is from an interview with real people, not an excerpt from the movie… so that's what we're commenting on.

If Paul Dano and Josh Hartnett are in the mix I'm forced to wonder how Zach Braff was left off. He's as ugly as Dano and as useless as Hartnett, soooo, perfect!

he needs a chin implant before i can take him seriously as an action star.

I'm really relieved that this thread exists. I thought i was taking crazy pills reading that interview…