
She was ridiculously good looking, and was definitely not going to buy a house that was described as containing a ghost that rapes women to death.

That is absolutely the moment where I would have failed. Never would have been able to get through that with a straight face. I can barely think about it now without laughing.

As much as Adore is similar to Jinkx, I feel like Bianca is learning a real lesson from Alaska's arc last season. You can just go through the season being reliably good, you have to give people are reason to root for you.

I am loving the Ken/Sue development: a couple of weeks ago and he's making awkward conversation with her, today they show up to the bar together. I also love that Sue is basically her exact same self yet she brings out in Ken a friendly, just-tryina-get-laid dynamic.

I assumed that's where it has been headed with all their cozy little chats.

I'm not saying she ought to change her aesthetic one bit (and I'm not unaware of it) just that if you know how to sew you can look better, cheaper.

I feel like, given her budget, Adore is really doing herself a disservice not learning to sew. It saves you money, bitch!

my feelings exactly.

I was loving my husband's outrage over this decision. I love Bianca and Adore equally and Courtney is pretty to look at, so I didn't really care that much this week, which is unusual.

I saw birth date of 1997 and figured 17; he's actually 16. The point remains the same really, except for poor @idiotking who has to wait an additional year for that sweet boy king to become a man king.

Sometimes things like that take me out of the show, just because I can't stop thinking about poor, 32-year-old, grown woman Natalie Dormer having to get sexy with a child. I actually got curious about their age difference and it turns out the kid who plays Tommen is 17 (!)

at that moment my husband and I looked at each other and simultaneously made the universal gesture for fapping.

I truly hope April and Andy get divorced and then remarried.

As far as I'm concerned that's the best way ever to deal with triplet babies.

When that hologram Lil' Sebastian showed up I was already losing it, so I just did a forward roll off the couch and kept laughing, laying flat on the floor. It was the only way I really could react at that moment.

you mean because we are all animals driven by hormones to bang all the time?

The It's Always Sunny T-shirt wasn't the only shout-out to the show; one of the NSA guys was singing "you've got to pat the troll toll, to get into that boy's soul" early on in the episode. As someone who often finds herself singing that tune in inappropriate circumstances, I loved it.

The point of this article is that consensual sex was made into rape without a clear indication of why and without acting like it changed the story. If poor Ser Dantos had lived in the book after being shot it the shoulder, but here in the show they killed him, that would be a fundamental difference in the arc of that

I think the 17 year old who was forced into the closet by his mom and likely the entire Idol staff is probably not a great representation of his true self.

I was also wondering if she is trans, or maybe is just somewhere in the gray area where she hasn't decided, because her fixation on being girly, even out of drag, and her seeming disdain for the more butch queens. Could just be narrow-mindedness though.