
did anyone else catch some auto-tuning in the first britney/brittany song? that girl can dance but apparently she doesn't have the singing chops of spears, which frankly isn't a lot to live up to…

really? lea michelle is cute? maybe this is the heterosexual woman in me (which is 99% of me) but she is so shrill and annoying, and only strikes me as moderately attractive to make up for that…

hahahah damn!

alfred hitchcock
Filming ahead of an innocent man on the run from the law, and a random glamorous woman.

Alfred Hitchcock
Filming ahead involving an innocent man wrongly accused and random glamorous woman. Do not be alarmed.

haha imdb does not list him as bangin haley, but it does list him as married to a "Holly."

according to imdb he is…

I read a blind item yesterday that strongly suggested that the girl that plays hailey and ty burrell are bangin. It was something like "40-something married actor and his barely legal co-star on a new hit network sitcom are spending too much time together in his trailer" or something.

Toots- it's a lot easier than you might think… as long as you have the e-stim hooked up…

ErikHelin - while we all know that girls aren't funny because we spend all of our time stripping and crying about not being married, Warren Lieberstein & Halsted Sullivan actually wrote Cafe Disco so you might want to amend your convo to include ironic air quotes around the "girl" in "girl writer"

looooooved Amy's dress. As soon as I saw those dip-dyed squares I knew I'd be a sucker for it. And usually they reward the person who camoflauges the material least, so I thought she had it. All of the top dresses were cute as hell though.

the buried life?
this came on right after the buried life, which i was prepared to dislike but was actually really fun. this show was weird, boring, and pretty mundane and i'm kind of surprised there was even a write-up of it. in any case, i vote next week you write up The Buried Life: TBL instead.

I would bet that Mitch is happy for his dad to even acknowledge his relationship with Cam in a positive way, much less get all technical about 'partner' vs. 'boyfriend'.

TLAotA - as Speaking English(a McGill-ite?) pointed out they were doing this pre-MTV which means that they were helping people realize dreams without a giant corporation's help. I'm sure its gotten a lot easier since they were picked up, but still.

In regards to TLAotA (a thread or two down but I am impatient)- I went to college with a couple of these guys, and my husband went to high school with all of them. They've been doing this for quite a few years on their own, just filming it for themselves and posting it on facebook and youtube etc. I don't know how

I could just listen to NPH sing all day long, so I loved this. I didn't feel like it fit well into the episode but I also didn't care.

I find what she said about being a character actress really interesting. I've often wondered what it's like, emotionally, to always be cast as the odd-ball or what have you, because so often those actors and actresses are actually pretty good looking (as evidenced by her photo above) but in a more normal way as

This is by no means a definition, but to me a character actor is someone who is in a supporting role and is rarely featured in the ads, yet has a lengthy resume with a variety of roles.
Usually a character actor is recognized by the average movie audience by thinking "hey, it's that guy who was awesome in that other

The only thing I don't care for is Lucy being the "center" of the show, where we hear her thoughts and j.d.-like hallucinations. She is really too boring for me to even care about her as a character, much less what she's thinking about. Aside from that though I like the new Scrubs kind of a lot.

The best I've heard anyone say about it is "come on, it wasn't THAT bad." Woo! that's some real praise.