
1978? holy shit that's a little late to the game…

spam remix - i've seen it. actually, I think i may have seen it four or five times in a single sitting, because it was SO FUCKING LONG.

South Loop Troll - While Boston is in New England, and therefore gets about 3 or 4 big snowstorms a year, they treat every time like its time to get in the bomb shelters. They cancel schools and flights BEFORE the snow hits, and as soon as one flake hits everyone just drives off the road like crazy.

Holy shit, I Am Legend the movie was 3/4 of a good movie (and those 3/4 were very fun) but the Matheson novel was TERRIBLE. I am a huge sci-fi nerd and I could barely make it though that.

I went because I am married to a man, and he was compelled by a force beyond nature to see it.
I was actively bored for the last hour. I could tell that last hour was gay because that last hour was wearing cutoff denim shorts. I went though all the stages of grief during that last hour. That last hour drank my

In what way was The Hurt Locker a failure? Or, in internet hyperbole, Go fUCk YoURSelF!!1!

Same to you, Mogumbo, same to you.

Um, yeah… this movie looks dumb as shit. But it does have Michelle Rodriguez! This will be her best role since The Fast & The Furious!!!1!

*asks Stringer where Wallace is.*

ummm yeah there was supposed to be a "not" between "its'' and ''objective''

I didn't like the first couple episode, but have loved the last two or three. AVC should definitely cover it- nerdiness is not an excuse because Fantasy Football is definitely one of the nerdiest ways to be into sports that there is.

I found Nightman Cometh ALMOST killed Dayman/Nightman for me. I definitely didn't care for the ep as a whole. Except for the classic "who is this versus?"

LOVE the League. love it. Last night's episode was too good! All of them freaking out about being in Sheeva's apartment, Ruxin using his towing miles to get home, homemade deoderant…. ahh…

obviously its objective. Last season was my least favorite overall, although Mac&Charlie die is probably my all time favorite episode. And by least favorite I don't mean i disliked it- hardly. As my least favorite season it was still my favorite thing on the air. I've LOVED this season, for me its up there with S3.

yeah but the mcpoyles are definitely best when not over-used. I like that they eased off on some of the easy laughs like mcpoyles and nightman but still did some callbacks with greenman and cricket.

I don't feel like Ed Helms has aged poorly as much as Ellie Kemper has aged REALLY well. 29?! wtf! She looks about 20, maaaayyybe 22. Knowing that she's almost 30 makes me much more comfortable with the Erin/Andy thing becuase I had definitely been weirded out that he was going for someone so young. Now I can just

I liked Ledger in Brokeback more than DK, but both were great, obviously.

Ben walking around with that facepainting with the little lizard tongue killed me. Everytime he came on screen i laughed. Also, Dee climbing around in the branches with the bottle of wine was a gem, Kaitlin Olson really brings it to the physical comedy. That reminded me of last year when she careened out of the shoe

This guy seems like quite a character. I feel like spending 2 hours with him would only scratch the surface of the stories he could tell.

One thing I love about Jen (and this is totally superficial, but not being able to smell or taste any of their food drives me to be distracted by other things) is that in the 'confessional' segments she looks cute, with her hair down and makeup on, but in the kitchen she is usually clean faced with her hair back and a