
Automatic is great.
The Stereogum OKC tribute, however, sucked.

Except that.
Apparently iTunes, emusic, and…oh, no, there it is on Amazon. For a second, I thought this album was going to turn into a Quixotic quest.

I wasn't even aware there was punk-funk, and this sounds mighty good. Thanks for the tip!

The YouTube vids always seem like such a good idea at first.
But then a couple of days later, they're mostly all broken links. I'm so lazy. I'm so tired.

I'm with Tiff
The reviewers have addressed it head-on: they don't sell the ads. Ad sales staff do that. The reviewers just [gasp] review.

Why are all the dragon movies such disappointments?
Reign of Fire, Eragon, that old goofy one with Sean Connery as the dragon (though I kind of liked it at the time), and now this. Please, someone, help. The most famous mythical creature ever deserves better.

Casey Affleck
I think he's a really good actor. Is he really related to Ben? At all?

Does anyone think he looks weirdly like Matt Damon?
Good interview. It's funny, when he talks about his philosophy, I can almost respect him—he really does seem to believe in what he does, not just cash in, and even admits to one or two of his movies' flaws. But then he tosses around bad information about others, as

Which tracks…
…dub? Which near-orchestral heights? Or is it just sort of throughout-ish?

Voice really reminds me of someone.
Someone I can't quite place. Help?

Concision is a real word.
And more elegant that "conciseness" by far.

That was my first thought, that the Team must have borrowed whoever did the Information cover.

When I saw the trailer for this…
…my first thought was that it was based on that viral audio file of that ardently (but clearly hopelessly) self-promoting guy promising to make people millions as signed artists…

Does he talk about how many of the markers in the cemetary have been defaced with graffiti guiding visitors to Jim Morrison's grave?

Well done, Noel.
Way beyond the call of duty, trying to intelligently engage an asshole.

More of a b-sides, almost.
Very few of them the songs from those artists that I would've picked to try and lure mainstream people into indie waters…

This should sooth the savage souls who protest of grade inflation.

The rapping is furious.
The music doesn't sound that…funky to me, though.

I loved their first few discs.
I'm more skeptical about this one; they seem to sound more like the Luscious Jackson that Doc Rock was hoping for than the can't-believe-this-exists sound they started with. Besides, in the mean time, I found Psalm One (thanks to you, Nathan). Do I need this when I have Death of Frequent

Sounds awesome.
I want it.