
Nice. I nearly spit food.

I'm waiting for the release of the definitive Wes Anderson collection, released with the uncompleted Fantastic Mr. Fox after his untimely death at the age of 39.

I know you guys get a lot of flack about the end results, and I've disagreed with some choices in the past, probably in a less erudite fashion than I could have, but ultimately, I really appreciate the effort, and the fact that you elucidate the production of that final list through exhaustive individual lists and

Sweeney Todd…
…has one customer with multiple throats?

Maybe she was named in his honor.

You know I fill my cups.
No need to supersize 'em.

Seems as how their youth makeup method for Holm in Fellowship was basically to clip back the skin on his face and slap a brown wig on him, and he was reportedly not too fond of the experience, I'm betting that he won't be involved.

I can certainly sympathize. As you say, though I'm not a critic (not a paid one, anyway), I sometimes get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I want to listen to, or feel as if I should listen to. The latter's kind of worse—I struggled mightily a couple of years ago to get into a host of indie bands that I knew I

Nice idea.
I disagree with the execution in a couple of cases, of course. I mean, really, "Goin' On," one of the wishiest, washiest songs on At War With the Mystics? And no love for the exciting first two tracks of New Adventures in Hi-Fi, or for "Leave"? I know it's de rigeur to hate on REM's big-rock stuff—after

Oh, and.
Thanks for getting the login working, and getting rid of those Pampero ads.

…but not as much like an Afrobeat 70's TV theme as the Budos—and not as good.

I had such high hopes for Real Doll pathos. I watched a show on them on BBC America the other day, and the owners really did run an interesting gamut of social dysfunction.

Like arowsell, it wasn't the setting of the end of AI that struck me as happy, but the wish-granting done within that setting. Keith, Tom S., you're making me re-examine my reaction to it, and for that I thank you, but I must admit that my sense is stubborn that the conclusion missed elegiac by a bit.

Can you get McDowell and John Cameron Mitchell to do a guest Crosstalk about sex in cinema? You'd be gods.

The joke's on me.
At first, I couldn't figure out why that annoying "um" was in front of Caligula in the front-page blurb (I've come to hate that construction, in which someone brutally points up the irony of what they're about to say, even though I used to use it a lot myself), but when I read the intro to the

More pathos?
That seems like the boldest claim.

So far
I've remained blissfully ignorant of the sound of Fergie's chart powerhouse.

Damn striaght, Bruce.
Sharon could show young pop stars a whole lot about class. I think I'm going to have to get this.

I disagree!
But I don't know who with. It's just so divisive in here.

Another one!
On neither iTunes nor emusic? You're really indie this week, AV Club. Way to go.