

I think Starbuck did a good job reconciling the badassness with sensitivity. I thought it was a really touching episode.

Douche chiiiilllll

Starbuck's daddy
The problem with Daniel being Starbuck's father is that it makes Kara the first cylon/human hybrid, and thus far the writers have gone to great lengths to prove that Hera is the only hybrid. I like the idea, though.

When I was a kid I ate a thermometer. My dad freaked out and thought I was going to die from mercury poisoning.

No no no no
Chicken should never feebly break in half like that. Ever.

Sarcasm, Hmm.

He says it "fell out of use" once their people started to procreate. But yeah, it seems like a hell of a thing to give up, even if you can reproduce.

I believe Ellen says that Cavil wanted them to suffer, so he placed them where they would survive. His plan was to put them through as much pain as possible so when they died and resurrected, they would take his side. Brilliant plan.

Another cylon shouldn't be too much of shock. 13 tribes-13 models, and there's always been a missing 7 in between the 6 and 8. I'm glad it was finally addressed, it was really making my OCD act up. What, cylons can't count?

Hey, Helo's on Dollhouse! I'm hoping the show will help ease my crippling depression when BSG ends. At least until Fox cancels it.

I actually had that same thought when Adama mentioned he'd already allowed the upgrades. Maybe it was a mistake to assume the Cylons were on the level when they made the alliance. In which case…damn. Humans are frakked.

I miss Leoban's Hawaiian shirt.

Yes to the chills. But I liked Tyrol squirming around in the bowels of the ship. Though I bet it would have been a lot easier for him during season one…

I still refuse to ever see The Last Unicorn again. That movie fucked me up as a kid.

I remember going from reading Matilda and the BFG to reading The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and being seriously disturbed by the swan story.

I definitely remember a lighthouse, as well as the dragon roasting apples by breathing fire. My young self was really impressed by that.

Not sure I can get behind the baked beans for breakfast, but black beans are damn tasty next to some migas or breakfast tacos.

Jesus, it's a city, not a dogma, and "keep Austin wierd" is a slogan that was made to support local businesses. If you don't like it here, feel free to leave.

Gina Torres is the shit. And she's married to Laurence Fishburne, which makes her even cooler.