Love that line, and when Mrs Peacock yells "I don't know!" Something about the way she says it cracks me up every time.
Love that line, and when Mrs Peacock yells "I don't know!" Something about the way she says it cracks me up every time.
Say your goddamn pronouns!
Naval crimes, eh?
Can we get a spin off about Cherith Cutestory, pirate lawyer?
You think he's gone?! He's never gone!
Giles gets to be very badass this season. Especially towards the end, nudge nudge.
I think it's the most realistic, detailed depiction of death I've ever seen on TV. My best friend's father just died last month; when she found him, she tried to start compressions and broke one of his ribs. The first (insensitive and unhelpful) thought that came to me when she told me was "that's just like Buffy."…
No, they get a new and crappy office building, so Angel has space to brood.
If I recall correctly, he's human and was created to contain her, much like Dawn was for the key, and she figured out how to break through and take over their body. I think he calls her "sis" at one point, but I could be making that up.
Not to mention the return of Kate, the most boring and unnecessary character.
Wait wait wait
Are you saying Glory IS Ben?
I really liked that show, even though I remember not understanding what was happening half the time. But it had an awesome theme song and Goliath was badass.
You're not alone, tragic, although I think Rob was the character I wanted to be like, but I'm just not that cool. I'm at a point now where I can accept that I'm Dick.
How was the syntax?
Did they really have to change the names? Is "Oscar" really too foreign sounding?
That finale is epic, and probably the best and most satisfying ending to a show I've ever seen. I am furious that Night fucked this up so royally.
That's a shame.
I would have this woman's babies. I don't know how it would work, but I'd do it. Life…finds a way.
Oh god I forgot about that. Isn't it Hawaiian, too?
I always assumed that line could be written off as teenage angst. And Lone, isn't that the plot of Timeline?!