
This must be what going mad feels like…

About the base ship, I think one of the reasons Gaeta had the Cylons on Galactica locked up and not killed was so they could be used as bargaining chips. The rebel Cylons won't attack if one of the final five is on board, that's why Athena said Anders was so important.

I believe it was a Sharon from the Cylon ship, seeing as Athena is locked in the brig and Boomer is with Cavil somewhere.

She's all out of bubblegum!

Maybe she'll cackle again soon! I miss Starbuck cackling…

They could also point out that the rebel Cylons have a giant bay ship and according to the previews for next week, they aren't afraid to use it. If the Cylons aren't allies, they're enemies, and they're RIGHT THERE.

I only remember him from that episode where he brought the Admiral his coffee, but I was sad to see Jaffee go.

Yeah, I'm glad to see the old Starbuck back, always there in the nick of time. And it looks like Roslin will finally get back in the game, too.

Ah, Maggie Grace. I guess Lost really helped her become the go-to girl for useless, useless people.

I have relatives who live in the boondocks of Louisiana, and it is indeed a terrifying place to be. My cousin works in a "deer factory" (his words) and has a bumber sticker that reads:

A guy and a kid are walking into a dark forest. "I'm scared," says the kid.

What's red, slimy, and crawling up your leg?

The same could be said for Crimes and Misdemeanors.


Way to plant, Ann!


Is that like Brangelina? Gaeta+Zarek=Garrick?

Yeah, for a show that has some great CGI scenes, they sure as hell can't figure out how to make someone look realistically bald. It's quite distracting.

Cottle is pretty consistently great, he's slowly become one of my favorite characters.

I think the best support of poetry I've read was by Marian Moore: