Conan The Librarian

Bizarre is a Chinese Crested dog.  And yes, I hate that I know it.

'Journey Of Hope.' God, is that film depressing.

I hate to say it, but I always felt Comfort was grossly overrated during her season, and she's been really underwhelming for me as an all-star. Not sure why they brought her back a second time, (she was in the all-star season, I seem to recall) except maybe she was the one with nothing else going on. I wouldn't mind

Wasn't it also Bollywood that essentially broke Alex Wong?

This dude is what would happen…
…if Darryl Hall and Robert Smith had a kid together.

So… who's with me?
The man's got quite a bit of dance experience, and you know whatever he'd have to say would be all kinds of interesting as a guest judge.

Blugh. Hope you lose, Bay.
I'm not a big fan of 3-D technology. Maybe it's just me, but even just watching short 15-minute things like Captain EO and Muppets 3-D at amusement parks leave me feeling cockeyed and out headachey for hours afterwards. Definitely not worth it in my book.

Blugh. Hope you lose, Bay.
I'm not a big fan of 3-D technology. Maybe it's just me, but even just watching short 15-minute things like Captain EO and Muppets 3-D at amusement parks leave me feeling cockeyed and out headachey for hours afterwards. Definitely not worth it in my book.

Doubtless someone's going to consider me a major jerk for going there, but I'll always remember him best for his running gag in 'Fatal Instinct.'

Different strokes, I guess.

The Hot Tamale Train…
…needs to follow the Hogwarts Express and fade away after this summer.

As in: 'Two Broke Girls, One Broke Cup'?

Exercise in futility
As if removing her from that party scene's going to do anything to salvage what's collectively thought of her…

Hey, Dumbo…

Wasn't there some kind of controversy, though?
I seem to recall some dispute over the James Bond theme as having been lifted completely or in part from Monty Norman's Indian-influenced 'Bad Sign, Good Sign.'

Not a childhood thing, but…
In high school, I used to go out with this girl who had the annoying habit of ketchuping all her fries individually. Most people, they get fries at a fast-food joint as part of a combo meal, they'll take the two packets of ketchup they give you, squirt them out into a little puddle on the

I'll concede that it's quite likely to be an actual Hofner, but in my mind's eye, I seem to recall the branding as taking up more space, and not being nearly as close to the binding at the leading edge of the headstock, owing to the slightly exaggerated 'F' in the Hofner logo. Also, I remember the few Hofners I've

Hmm… Never seen them in person, but
Either those are some ridiculously large instruments, or these guys are really tiny. I'd allow for an awkwardly-angled shot, but Hamilton's standing upright enough to where that Hofner copy should look much smaller than it does.

It also features Representative Fred Grandy (of Love Boat fame) as Herman the German, Mathilda the Hun's navigator.

And *that's* where they lost me.
There's no way Slinky Dog would've come off that electromagnet back down onto the conveyor belt.