Conan The Librarian

That was my thought, too.  Consequently, it played in my mind as the flip-side of her top-girls 'funky geishas' routine from a previous season.

That was my thought, too.  Consequently, it played in my mind as the flip-side of her top-girls 'funky geishas' routine from a previous season.

I found the Anthony vs Jesse match-up entirely too close to call; ultimately, it ended up being a matter of personal preference: Do you like your men to sound like Oleta Adams, or do you prefer they come across more Toni Braxton-ish?

They still haven't acknowledged Jordis was a contestant on Rockstar: INXS, have they?

I imagine her, accomplishing this Rupert Pupkin-style, by running through her material on a nightly basis in a special room in her basement wallpapered with the image of  a crowded club…

WTF?  I was expecting some kind of Chacarron Macarron remake, and THIS is what they come with?

If Ender's Game is going to be filmed without DJ Qualls as Ender, there's just no freaking point.  Y'hear me, Hollywood?!?  It's the part DJ Qualls was born to play, baby!!!

Pfft!  Call me when they bring back House Of Buggin'.

I dunno, man.  The word 'sandwich' implies that there's also bread.

…Freshen ye'drink, Guv'nah?

Didgeridoo through a phase shifter and a Mu-Tron III

Well, yeah - there's always those who will take things entirely too far and go the "chops for chops' sake" or "chops as an artform" route, but that's not what I'm talking about.  Realistically, the 'kicking ass' bit was more from the sense of doing something interesting and exciting with one's music, as opposed to

Out of curiosity, what exactly is it that you're equating with musical honesty?

Meh; it's more backlash against the overriding sense of entitlement and douchery from cats who aren't really all *that* good, and just have the dumb luck to be popular.

Buddy Rich.  That guy's attitude was legendary, even during his time which was the golden age of 'angry jazz guys'.

So…  it's an unreasonable expectation that I'd like to be entertained by musicians who know their craft better than an average high school student?

I suppose it's unfair, comparing apples to oranges, and all.  With that in mind:  Peter Hook is no Mark King.

As a bass player myself, I can't really say I was ever all that impressed.  I'm not saying I think he sucks, or anything; I've just never heard him do anything that really made him stand out as particularly inspiring when weighed against the majority of his contemporaries.  Then again, I've always been more of a

To be fair; yeah, puppet Yoda looked pretty darned awful in Phantom Menace - a heck of a lot worse than in his first appearances in Empire and Return.  I was willing to give it a pass, though, because they were trying to make him look comparatively 'younger' to fit the timeline of the prequels.  Unfortunately, the CGI

A remake of the Clue movie?  No, that was just a red herring…