Conan The Librarian

Well, that's just it - I'm using a 1st-gen Moto Droid, not a Droid Global2.

I can't get rid of this Droid fast enough.

Elder Scrolls
I'll always have a special place in my heart for the Elder Scrolls franchise in general, and Morrowind (E/S III) in particular. Morrowind provided me with the awesome bit of escapism I desperately needed while I was housebound undergoing chemotherapy for Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Short of putting a gun to your head…
…can anyone *really* 'bind' you to an unconscionable contract? You either bind yourself by signing it, or you don't, right? Or is that oversimplifying?

If this is going to be a PotC reunion of sorts…
It can only work if they cast the guys who played Ragetti and Pintel in the lead roles. Either configuration works, in my mind's eye…

Toonces, the Observational Humour Cat sez:
This looks like an unusual litter box.

Ain't that the way it goes, though?
Cathy 'Ack!'s out 30 years too late, while Bill The Cat 'Ack!'ed out 30 years too soon.

Oh, well jeez - that just clinches it now, doesn't it? Can't argue with sales figures as an airtight indicator of quality or talent, can we? Lord knows the American public doesn't buy crap, or elevate people to celebrity status without merit. Oh, wait… Um, NO.

Hey, I'm not saying they haven't put on some total head-scratchers in past seasons, but on the whole they brought in mentors that at least had some time-tested relevancy and influence in the music industry, like Weber, Bocelli, hell - even Barry Manilow. (yeah - as much as you might laugh at Manilow, he has a track

Lambert to mentor?
Then again, these are the same people who figured Miley Cyrus had something viable to say; guess it's not that surprising.

What a cute freckle!

"Saturday Night Live is by nature hit-or-miss."

Late at night…
The sounds of a studio audience chanting "Juice by Tappy! Juice by Tappy!" haunts my nightmares

Robbie Nevil
C'est la vie - That's life!

Overall, the judges made less of a deal over the ballroom dancers bungling hip-hop than they would have made had it been the other way around.

Ah, but is he "dead"-dead, or simply Tupac-dead, allowing him to inexplicably continue releasing albums of new material several years post-mortem?

God help me, but I just can't look at Melanie without thinking: "George Costanza's mom is a choreographer now?"

I'm all for Shankman being permanent. I just wish it was in place of Mary Murphy instead of the rotating guest judge, or better yet, leave the fourth chair for a rotating guest instead of reserved for Paula.

One of the frequent complaints from the judges during the auditioning process is against dancers who dance in "outdated" styles. Ostensibly, this would mean they're trying to present dance in a modern, updated perspective; and yet they have tappers dancing to "Take The A-Train?!?"

Don't forget Circle Of Iron! He did the whole multi-character thing long before Eddie Murphy and Mike Myers came on the scene.