Hipster Party Commissar

The abbreviation for Dungeons and Dragons is 'DND'   Archmage, I need some backup here.

I'm afraid the very idea of the Borg having a symbol is probably sort of pointless, as the function of a symbol in a society would be completely irrelevant to the Borg.

I dig what you are saying and you have a solid point here, but the phrase 'exception that proves the rule' really has never made any sense.

I still want Star Wars in HD…

A lot of the hate is retroactive, as people hated the prequels they wanted to pretend that they 'saw it coming' before anybody else, and so started hating RotJ.

Yeah this is accurate.  What success the Ewoks had was from surprise and skillful use of terrain they were intimately familiar with.  Ultimately it was still kind of obnoxious how well they did but the first 15 or so minutes of any surprise battle usually goes pretty well for anybody.

Most people in jails are accused criminals (many of them innocent) who don't have the money to post bail.  So really what he's doing is punishing the poor, which fits right in line with Conservative doctrine.

Or Ghost Rider.

Lone Audience will show up and tell us, eh?  I hope he can post from the Gulag hahahahahahahah

It baffles me how pro-gun people always conjure up the most absurdly optimistic scenarios about what 'would have' happened if the victim had been armed.  FYI, just having a gun does you zero good if you get jumped, or if there are too many people, or if you are a terrified 15 year old girl who shouldn't be armed under

MTV officially gave up on awesome when they cancelled Clone High.  That is the end of this, and all other, discussions here.

I attribute HTML issues like this to bugs in the system.  I'm sure they'll be worked out.

Yeah a color code would be a good idea.  I like the web design (especially being able to reply directly to people and like things) but differentiating tiers by color or whatever would make keeping track of the conversation a lot easier.

I'm really not trolling you.. but in Lucas defense the idea was that Anakin died when he became Darth Vader (Obi Wan said this in Empire Strikes Back).  So Luke's redemption of Anakin restored him to what he was before his fall or something.  Something like that is what I think he was going for.

Plinkett is hilarious, but I think he goes too far in some of his criticism. I fully recognize that this is part of his 'character' but I feel like some of his criticism (5%? maybe) was kind of a stretch.  There are a couple good scenes in Eps 1 and 3.

Yeah I"m with Shrike.  Sometimes what you want in a movie is a really well done fight scene.  Pretty much the rest of the movie fails miserably but that doesn't have anything to do with complimenting the choreography and stunning visuals of the battle.

I agree with you on this.  I thought the opening scene and the closing fight in Episode One were pretty good.  In fact the Darth Maul fight ranks up there in the annals of great fight scenes.  The opening is pretty tense too.  I've always considered Episode II the worst in the series.

He did.  That's the most horrible part of the whole thing.  Jar Jar binks has the last speaking line in the entire series (in the Naboo celebration scene you clearly hear him yell "we-sa free!").  That's right, wrap your head around that, Jar Jar has the last word in the series.  The level of contempt for the audience

Season seven is definitely better than season one.  That being said Sub-Rosa is the antithesis of life.

I really choose not to believe that there are any female characters on the show.  It's best just to consider them extras with lines.  The writers certainly couldn't care less about them.  This is thankfully a syndrome with Star Trek that is limited to TNG (and I guess TOS, necessarily).  They could have been awesome,