Hipster Party Commissar

KEK   Kinetic Energy Kills.  You put a high velocity explosive Armor Piercing missile into something physical and that thing is going to die.

nonflammable is the way to say it, I think.

I wasn't even alive when the events you are describing occurred.  However I've done my research and concluded that both you and your date probably had some ridiculous haircuts.

I think this could be said for nearly all Klingons, at least from a human perspective.  Sort of like how humans would consider all Romulans to basically be sociopaths, but it's just that their normal psychology happens to resemble a type of mental illness found in humans.

So did the events in 'The Undiscovered Country' just not happen?  Was it ever explained how the Klingons bounced back from that?

This sounds like the Hipster creation myth.

They'd have to really, really separate it though.  Like if you look at the original script stuff Vader is just (in a suit of black armor) everything else was imagined by the special effects people.  They could really make everything totally different.  I know it might make some people lose their shit, but I can see

It's the fact that the tinkering generally makes the films worse that bothers me.  If he'd redone the Battle of Endor to make the Ewoks Wookies and made it a less laughable fight would we still be having this discussion?

It's not about morality or obligation or whatever.  It's about people being pissed off they can't get what they want, that Lucas seems (and this is important, the intention) to be going out of his way to screw them (as I said above, there is NO explanation for either Jar Jar having the last word in Jedi or the "NOOOO"

It's clearly Jar Jar's voice (most of the Gungans didn't talk like they had Down Syndrome).  It's also that LAST intelligible line of dialog in the whole series.  There is no other reason to put that in the movie but that Lucas is a hateful fuck.  No other.

I think you're right.  I have a lot of trouble summing up the same sense of 'coolness' Star Wars had when I was younger.  I was in early high school when Phantom Menace came out and I'd been playing Star Wars games (X-wing, Dark Forces), I had the technical books and manuals.  I'd never really gotten into the Fiction

If the Republic had been destroyed by a horde of invading aliens who set up their own little kingdoms everywhere then yes.  But that kind of massive technological rewind in ~20 years?  No.   Although I'm of the opinion that the Empire was in a constant state of decline ever since it's inception and if the Rebellion

The people in my theater spent the entire second half of the film inserting 'Shmee was my wife!' between various lines of dialogue.

I wonder, sometimes, how fan reaction would have been different if Lucas had replaced the Ewoks with Wookies or something.


That would actually be amazing.  I may in fact watch this trash for that.

@avclub-ea098057cb0d1379deaf8c1cf4a1fe3b:disqus  is 100% correct.  Thread over, we have a winner.

I think I agree with this, Pete.  Also @avclub-c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534:disqus  I think that it makes sense that the Federation would have developed some serious anti-Borg technology after BoBW.  In fact I'd imagine after the events of Wolf 359 it was about 99% of Starfleet's budget.

Because if there is one thing real people never do in real life, it's talk to each other about what they are feeling or planning or make any direct statements about their situation or overall goals. (I'm not talking about the Walking Dead, I'm defending The Dark Knight)