Hipster Party Commissar

That is exactly how this song strikes me.  (pun?)

In DC we were shaking all over the place.  It was centered in Richmond VA

Cosmic Love is an amazing song - although every single single of hers I've heard sounds like it was written with the express purpose of being included on or associated with the Twilight soundtracks.

@Dikachu I'd have a lot more sympathy for your position if this kind of learned, repetition wasn't 99% of yours and everyone else's life. The point of professional sports is that you get invested in how a specific team does (some people even do things like bet on it) and then their emotions are either raised or

Thank you CrindyX. Remember everyone we're supposed to hate Radiohead now, and also pretend that we've hated them since, I don't know 2002 or something. That sounds like a good year. It might change though so keep on your toes.

I really don't see Coldplay getting worse. After the song 'Yellow' redefined 'suck' for a whole generation I think they pretty much got as bad as humanly possible and haven't come up since.

I agree with Scretionary Foonds. Walmart is just a capitalist entity. It's primary role is to accumulate as much capital as possible without regard to it's effects. If Walmart (or any business or other capital entity) could shoot you in the face and murder your family to make five bucks and there was no fear of

So we're just going to ignore the obvious 'human over-consumption and greed destroying the earth' reading of that story, then? I know it's an overplayed (to say the least) theme, but the idea of the boy representing mankind, which as a child lived in harmony with the earth (even though scientifically that is kinda

@ Derivative Lawyer. Sir, there is no possible human reaction I can have to what you just said that does not involve pitch forks.

Between this and Jonathan Frakes and Sirtis posters this comments section is pretty much the best on the planet.

I'll never forgive Belgium for breaking away from (and destroying) The United Kingdom of the Netherlands. It's like they had fucking forgotten the last 400 years of European history where somewhat similar but with some differences groups of people working together is what makes Great Powers, not this 'Oh you

As somebody who never saw a minute of it but likes to formulate wild and dramatic opinions about things anyway; I think it looked incredibly boring. I imagined the entire show was these three guys sitting around and sighing; all the while being blandly morose and self-important with a lot of stupid male bonding and

e e cummings has contributed a million times more to this language than you ever will you fucker.

@Johnny: That's exactly the problem. Shows like this rely on creating a sense of 'situation' and threat that make it seem more like a real life survival situation. On BSG (at least early on) the shit they had to deal with was logical stuff they'd have to deal with, and the writers made a conscious effort to think

So what do you guys thing O'Neal finally did that send Rabin over the edge and got him fired? I shudder to think about the kind of shit that goes on up there in Chicago.

I watched 'Independence Day' on the 4th also, and I was reminded with how awesome of a movie it is. I know a lot of people diss it to sound smart around here, but from somebody who spends most of his cinema time neck-deep in Soviet and Asian art films, ID4 is a nearly flawless blockbuster.

If the episode description to Chain of Command Part 2 isn't:

@Bluh? Seriously, is that the best you can do. Basically coming on here with "LOL HARRY POTTER IS FOR GAY KIDS". Haven't you upgraded anything about your act since 2001? I remember when this site used to attract a higher class of troll.

Holy shit
This is the wrongest review ever written. I could write a review of Jaws that said simply, "Farming, cows love it, people need it" and it would be a more accurate interpretation than this.

Alright. Cars sucks. Duh. But is it really that offensive to people? The movie is clearly a vehicle Pixar put out to make a fuck ton of money. That's it, that's all it is. This movie isn't meant to tell any deeper story or affect you on an emotional level. I'm not defending it, it's a stupid, stupid movie and