Hipster Party Commissar

Sandler in Basterds could have worked. Remember what Tarantino did for John Travolta in Pulp Fiction? Reinventing people is like his main talent.

It's not the Burton/Depp pairing per se that's the problem. The problem is that Tim Burton is an Arch-Hack. Though I'm starting to agree that Depp is a major contributor to the general 'meh' response most people are developing towards him. To be honest it's not that he's a bad actor or is in necessarily bad films,

Our harsh judgement on 'Cars' mediocrity, and our unwillingness to go with the 'it's just a cartoon who cares!!!' has a lot to do with what Pixar has achieved.

I'm not sure how the artist compromised on his principles by getting a lot of money. The tattoo was his work, it was featured in a major motion picture without crediting or compensating him.

You know Dinosaurs had feathers, right? That's something we've learned between now and when JP first came out. They were more like huge walking birds than reptiles. I think that's actually a lot scarier, birds are pretty vicious. I wonder if the sequel would be the first time that a movie would show the (more)

I'd like to know how Google phones track their users movement. Aside from the Google Latitude program that you have to download, install, and you are constantly warned is using GPS to track your location and it prompts you to disable it all the time. Are you talking about cell tower triangulation or something?

It isn't, as said in the article it happened several years prior to this and started the proposed sequence of events that led to Biggy and Tupac's untimely deaths. But you are right about the statute. Shooting somebody 5 times is attempted murder, without a doubt. There should be no expiration on the statute,

Sergeant I'm really happy your signoff is back. But you have to go for it all the way, every time, no abbreviations. Live the dream!

Comparing anybody to Cookiemonster only makes them suffer unnecessarily in the comparison.

You robbed a sperm bank because you are a cum guzzling fag (when you broke in Rod Stuart had already beaten you there/luckily you were both good friends/you both sat around and drank 10 gallons of sperm)

I"ve never heard a more apt self-reveal from when my friend played AC's "311 SUCKS" to a small group of 311 fans; their immediate reaction was to indicate that 311 should sue AC for 'stealing' their song, 'Down'. It's just wonderful moments like that where people save you the trouble of labeling them anything and

You're not wrong.

Joke time aside, It's probably likely that both Glover and Freeman are both in competition for the same sorts of roles, that of the old wise black morality/authority figure. They both played Presidents in disaster movies (Freeman in Deep Impact and wasn't Glover in 2012?) Glover has become something of a poor man's

The Motion Picture is a good movie. It just isn't a summer blockbuster. It's a sci-fi film more in the tradition of Kubric or the stuff that Tarkovsky was doing in that era. Hopefully they'll invent special glasses that digitally insert jive talking robots into the frame to help keep peoples interest.

Thank you, Hipster DBag, I'll be sure to let The Cosby Show people know that you'd have been much more racially comfortable with their program if the characters had taken frequent asides to Rap out their feelings for your benefit.

The thing is conservatism is a really absolutist ideology. If you are going to be 'conservative' you have to believe that the Right is 100% good and the Left is 100% bad. This is what leads them to make so many insane leaps in logic, because they have to bend over backwards to adhere to that central tenant. It's

Mine will be something about stopping an alien invasion; just to fuck with future archaeologists. I"m certain once they find it whatever the 35th century version of the Discovery Channel is will go absolutely fucking apeshit.

@Edmond +100 points

You should probably cut out the whole 'moderate Muslims need to-" part. Miller is a Fox News person now, they don't acknowledge that group exists as it's doesn't help further their jingoist foreign policy.

This is Apple we are talking about, folks. The real bullshit/invasion of privacy/totalitarian single-source takeover will come once people have gotten used to using it. They have one interest, and that is putting their logo on everything in your life, after making you pay a disproportionate amount of money for it.