Hipster Party Commissar

I think most people's problem with this is the base hypocrisy of how Republicans endlessly scream about morality, religion, and constantly judge (and encourage other people to judge) and then they end up in scandals like this.

The Doctor's 'Appauling' Comment
The Doctor made multiple statements like that early on. But here's the thing (i'm hoping you didn't miss this) The Doctor isn't the main character or the audience cypher. Ian and Barbara (and to some degree Susan) satisfy those roles. The Doctor is a, mysterious, and vaguely

Last Action Hero is, in fact, a really good film.

Congratulations, Edgewise, the next non-reply post below me. Once O'Neal deletes this thread you'll have an official 'firstie'.

Yeah agreed, Enzo. I love the Simpsons, but the gravitas is usually cut by something in their moments of sadness. Jurassic Bark in no way cuts it. It's just life, things turn out that way; nothing is pulled, there is no last minute joke to dissipate it.

J.P. it's called 'pro-choice' not 'pro-abortion'. The protagonist CHOSE to carry her baby to term, even if she was convinced by somebody it was her choice; tons of feminists have kids, many under less than ideal circumstances. No woman wakes up and says 'man I hope I get to abort a pregnancy today!'. That's what

My favorite part about hate for Return of the Jedi is that it all suddenly appeared once Lucas released the prequels. It's like everybody hated them so much that people tried to 'out-hate' each other by dissing Jedi as well, it's typical douche logic.

Yeah that reply was hilarious. Wrong on a variety of levels, but that's what makes it so funny.

Trump isn't stupid. Trump is a predatory asshole who was expertly preying on the stupidity of the Tea Party. Everything he did was calculated and an effort to elevate himself in the mind of a political movement (the Tea Party) and enhance his brand.

AVGN is some seriously funny shit.

Is it just me or does Maggie Q only look Asian from specific angles? (she is Asian right?)

Limitations naturally inspire creativity in people, in fact it's probably the best way to inspire it. After all the ability to be creative is just an evolutionary problem solving skill, so it makes sense that it's best when used in it's intended way.

You know
This show wasn't great..or even really good… but I'm shocked people don't actually give it props for being a prime time show on a major network where the majority of the characters were not white. There have to be people on this site who at least give it, and NBC, some kind of props for doing that. That is

You don't need to reply to "No" he's a troll. Probably the same guy making hiiiilariously racist comments about Avery Brooks upstream too.

Oh my God, somehow the trolls have been tricked into arguing with each other…

1.Limp Bizkit Is My Drug

I feel like the fact that Lost existed and was as successful as it was is a complete rebuttal to everything this guy is saying. That and the 'people were too dumb to understand my genius!' is the go-to excuse for people who are bad at the practical aspects of storytelling, however cool or well thought out their ideas

Alright, as clinched and stupid as the 'dark re imagining' thing is…this is pretty fucking dark. And lets face it, if this was some crazy Czech horror film people here would be tripping over each other to say how great it was going to be, and I say that as a well established lover of Eastern European cinema.

ICP's 'feud' with Eminem was what finally convinced me they were professional clowns who were playing a gigantic decade long trick on America. I remember them calling him 'Slim Anus'. I'm pretty sure any three year old could blow them out of the water with the obvious 'yeah I don't have dudes dicks up mind

There is a reason that movies based on novels typically are either wildly different than the book or are failures. The movie can be basically compared to the format of a novella. Novellas are made to be read in one sitting, have one primary theme and multiple sub sets of that theme. Novels pretty much