Hipster Party Commissar

A humble opinion from a humble man
"Given the direction most modern reboots tend to take, don't be surprised if Tarzan is left to fight his way through a nuclear wasteland riddled with irradiated apes, or teams up with Captain Nemo to solve animal crimes and save Jane from the lost city of Atlantis at the behest of

Yeah cartoonishness can 'work' when it's set up as contrary to the normal seriousness of a show. The cleverly placed absurdity in several X-Files episodes make for great entertainment; and are hilarious because they are so contrary to the dark and disturbing tone of the show while still being true to the characters

It's one of the realities of living in a hyper-capitalist state.

Ultimately one of the problems with Outsourced from an advertising standpoint is that it doesn't garner a very large white viewing audience. The majority of it's audience are non-white people (typically South-Asians, as you might expect) and they aren't part of 'the demo', that advertisers crave. Is this fucked up?


Two had moments where I thought they were going to grasp onto the 'death of myth to history' thing. I thought the East India company guy was a worthwhile villian, and I liked what he represented. However it seemed like whenever they were 'going' somewhere with a particular theme or feel they just abandoned it for

The problem with Pirates 2 and 3 wasn't that they were overplotted, as in that they were too complex, it's that they were poorly plotted. There is a way you need to set up plot developments and support them emotionally. I've said before that those two films are compelling as a series of scenes, but when put together

I find asking people "did you find the film 'Grave of the Firefly's" to be sad?" is a great way to pick out sociopaths. I'm really not trying to be an asshole here; but if you don't find that movie sad then there is something very seriously wrong with your psychological ability to empathize.

What bothers me about the episode is that the characters ignored a very obvious compromise:

Brosnan era wasn't all bad…Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies were good, even great films. Everything after that…well… fuck..

Right now, as we speak, Marvel writers and illustrators are franticly working these events into the next Captain America comic (hint: he leads the mission) (second hint: It's fucking amazing)

The fact that Whedon continued (and continues? I don't know what plans he has) with a fucking network like FOX is baffling to me. Fox is easily the worst network out there (I'm counting cable). Imagine Firefly on HBO, or Dollhouse. Tell me about that. He's stupid for going back to the same network over and over

It's interesting that one of the most convincing evidence of sentience in a species is a tendency to develop things like sadism and psychopathy. As deviant and horrible as these things are, they are indicative of a malfunction in a very advanced cortex. Errors of that magnitude are simply not possible with lower

Scruggs I know you are joking; but I put a hit out on you just to be safe.

Old Bay is one of the many things Maryland has done correctly. That, the ICC, and not being Northern Virginia are the few that come to mind immediately.

Yeah, monogamy has been biologically proven to be a sham, and yes was largely constructed by history as an enslavement tactic for women so that men could be 'sure' that their kids were their own. Men throughout history almost universally used their wives to get kids and used prostitutes and mistresses to sate their

trilobiter you rule this, and possibly other, worlds.

I like the second half of Full Metal Jacket more than the first bit at training camp. The second part is where all the real meaty philosophy gets in, and the ending sequence (with the sniper) is just as harrowing as the boot camp.

I think one of the things that some white people (I'm white) find disturbing about Perry movies is, aside from their lack of quality, is that they present a different picture of African-Americans than they are used to. Lots of white people (typically conservatives although it can be anywhere) want minorities to be

Rabin loves pop culture, although his like of The Jersey Shore is pretty disturbing. I'm actually sorta surprised that he doesn't dig Perry movies.